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Personal pages of Forth programmers, evangelists, fans.
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Fig-Forth including modern style manuals, Intel Forth assemblers, sorting, simulation, factoring and primes, Transputers and projects, politics, tomato game; member of the Forth gg: Dutch Forth user group.
Research, Forth programming, and opinions on some computing issues.
Small page with downloads of Pygmy Forth.
Wrote FIJI, JaxForth, VWin4th. See Rocky Coast Free Board: RCFB.
Quadratic interpolation in Forth, notes on servo design, Number puzzle, thoughts on perfume, soldering silver.
Authored iForth, mxForth, tForth; eForth variant. Benchmarks use iForth to compare: i486/Pentium, Win95/DOS-7.0, WinNT/Linux-2.0. Data on x86 iForth and Transuputer tForth. Free downloads.
FIG member, FIAT Spider fan; religious humor; a few links on trains, movies, videos.
Wrote several free-software Forth compilers for the Microchip microcontrollers family.
Forth freeware downloads, including ForthCMP; other software; family links.
Forth links, downloads: ANS-Forth compatibility package for F-PC, F68KANS port to Macintosh, IDE for Microchip PIC 16C84 Microcontroller, and Tetris for Terminals.
Wrote several free-software Forth compilers for the Microchip microcontrollers family.
Small page with downloads of Pygmy Forth.
Forth freeware downloads, including ForthCMP; other software; family links.
FIG member, FIAT Spider fan; religious humor; a few links on trains, movies, videos.
Forth links, downloads: ANS-Forth compatibility package for F-PC, F68KANS port to Macintosh, IDE for Microchip PIC 16C84 Microcontroller, and Tetris for Terminals.
Research, Forth programming, and opinions on some computing issues.
Fig-Forth including modern style manuals, Intel Forth assemblers, sorting, simulation, factoring and primes, Transputers and projects, politics, tomato game; member of the Forth gg: Dutch Forth user group.
Quadratic interpolation in Forth, notes on servo design, Number puzzle, thoughts on perfume, soldering silver.
Authored iForth, mxForth, tForth; eForth variant. Benchmarks use iForth to compare: i486/Pentium, Win95/DOS-7.0, WinNT/Linux-2.0. Data on x86 iForth and Transuputer tForth. Free downloads.
Wrote FIJI, JaxForth, VWin4th. See Rocky Coast Free Board: RCFB.
Last update:
September 18, 2016 at 5:15:09 UTC
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