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Fortran codes estimating statistical and econometric models on data.
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Code by Marne C. Cario and Barry L. Nelson to simulate stationary time series with arbitrary marginal distributions and feasible autocorrelation structure specified through lag p.
Program for canonical community ordination by [partial] [detrended] [canonical] correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. [Commercial]
Complete code of six stand-alone Fortran programs for cluster analysis, described and illustrated in L. Kaufman and P.J. Rousseeuw (1990), "Finding Groups in Data: an Introduction to Cluster Analysis", Wiley.
A program for multifactor relative risks, confidence limits, and tests of hypotheses using regression coefficients and a variance-covariance matrix obtained from a previous additive or multiplicative regression analysis. By Leif E. Peterson, with accompanying paper.
Fortran 77 statistical library by James Filliben.
By Phil Brierley. A genetic algorithm code is at .
Fortran subroutines for calculating smoothing splines for various kinds of data and geometries, with automatic knot selection.
Fits a mixture model of multivariate normal or t-distributions to a user supplied data set via the EM algorithm. By Geoff McLachlan.
Fortran 90 code by Geir Evensen.
Allows one to estimate and analyze dynamic, nonlinear, simultaneous equations models. The models can be rational expectations models, and they can have autoregressive errors of any order. The estimation techniques include OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS, FIML, LAD, 2SLAD, and some versions of Hansen's method of moments estimator.
Fortran 90 and 77 codes by W.H. Press and G.B. Rybicki, for fast inversion matrices of an exponential form arising from autocorrelation functions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
Developed by Robert E. Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion, implements the flexible least squares (FLS) approach to time-varying linear regression proposed by Kalaba and Tesfatsion in "Time-Varying Linear Regression Via Flexible Least Squares," Computers and Mathematics With Applications 17 (1989), 1215-1245. The FLS program has been incorporated into the statistical packages SHAZAM (Version 8.0) and GAUSS (TSM version 1.2).
Fortran 90 program by Johnny Lin to calculate the time-dependent exponent (lambda) and logarithmic displacement curves of a time series.
By Gabriele Fiorentini, Giorgio Calzolari, and Lorenzo Panattoni, for a 1996 paper in the Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Fortran 77 and RATFOR code to fit smoothing splines using generalized cross-validation.
Codes in Fortran 90 and 77. Accompanies the book "GSLIB: Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide" by Clayton Deutsch and André Journel.
Programs from book by Christopher Jennison.
Institute of Statistical Mathematics Software and Data Library.
Fortran codes for cointegration tests and other time series topics.
Random number generators in Fortran.
Fortran 95 code for the book Numerical Methods of Statistics, by John Monahan
Fortran 90 codes for univariate and multivariate random number generation, computation of simple statistics, covariance matrices, principal components analysis, multiple regression, and jacknife cross-validation, by Dan Hennen.
Fortran 90 code by Paul N. Somerville, appearing in the Journal of Statistical Software volume 3.
Code in C and Fortran for the analysis of time series with methods based on the theory of nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems (chaos).
Fortran 77 code for paper by K. Rao Kadiyala and Sune Karlsson.
Solves the weighted orthogonal distance regression problem to find parameter estimates that minimize the sum of the squares of the weighted orthogonal distances between each observed data point and the curve described by a nonlinear equation. Includes documentation, revision history, and source code.
Code for book by Paul W. Mielke Jr. and Kenneth J. Berry.
Links to AutoRJ for reversible jump MCMC, Nmix for Bayesian analysis of univariate normal mixtures by MCMC, Cpt for Bayesian multiple change point analysis for point processes, and Dirichlet tessellation software.
TLNise: Two-Level Normal independent sampling estimation. Rcwish generates random draws from the Wishart and related distributions.
Poisson Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Program for Additive, Multiplicative, Power, and Non-linear Models, by Leif E. Peterson, Journal of Statistical Software v2 (1997).
Determines one-sided tolerance limits (in particular, A- and B-basis material property values) for regression models in the presence of between-batch variability. By Mark Vangel.
Fortran 90 code by Michael Schulz and Manfred Mudelsee to estimate red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced time series, without requiring interpolation.
Fortran 77 code for random number generation (uniform, exponential, normal, binomial, poisson, geometric, gamma, beta, negative binomial and Weibull), and GLIMCLIM (Generalised Linear Modelling of daily climate sequences).
RKPACK and RKPACK-II are collections of RATFOR (rational FORTRAN) routines by Chong Gu for Gaussian regression using smoothing splines, penalized likelihood density and hazard estimation.
Mixture modelling by Minimum Message Length (MML).
Fortran 77 code for the statistical analysis of multi-process random effect response data. These responses can take the form of binary, ordinal, count and linear recurrent events.
Fortran 90 code by Kelley Pace.
Metasite with links to source codes in Fortran and C implementing statistical methods which are freely available on the Internet. The codes are chosen for their potential utility for research in astronomy and other physical sciences.
Codes by Manfred Mudelsee. PearsonT estimates Pearson’s correlation coefficient from serially dependent time series. Rampfit estimates ramp function regressions. TAUEST estimates persistence in unevenly spaced weather/climate time series. XTREND estimates trends in the occurrence rate of extreme weather and climate events.
Code for "Invariant Small Sample Confidence Intervals For The Difference Of Two Success Probabilities" and "Bootstrap Prediction and Confidence Bands: a Superior Statistical Method for Analysis of Gait Data", by Thomas Santner.
Fortran 77 code for statistics by Charlie Reeve, covering probability distributions, random number generation, least-squares calculations, and other topics.
TLNise: Two-Level Normal independent sampling estimation. Rcwish generates random draws from the Wishart and related distributions.
Solves the weighted orthogonal distance regression problem to find parameter estimates that minimize the sum of the squares of the weighted orthogonal distances between each observed data point and the curve described by a nonlinear equation. Includes documentation, revision history, and source code.
Fortran 77 code for the statistical analysis of multi-process random effect response data. These responses can take the form of binary, ordinal, count and linear recurrent events.
A program for multifactor relative risks, confidence limits, and tests of hypotheses using regression coefficients and a variance-covariance matrix obtained from a previous additive or multiplicative regression analysis. By Leif E. Peterson, with accompanying paper.
Institute of Statistical Mathematics Software and Data Library.
Poisson Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Program for Additive, Multiplicative, Power, and Non-linear Models, by Leif E. Peterson, Journal of Statistical Software v2 (1997).
Codes by Manfred Mudelsee. PearsonT estimates Pearson’s correlation coefficient from serially dependent time series. Rampfit estimates ramp function regressions. TAUEST estimates persistence in unevenly spaced weather/climate time series. XTREND estimates trends in the occurrence rate of extreme weather and climate events.
Fortran 90 code by Paul N. Somerville, appearing in the Journal of Statistical Software volume 3.
Fortran 90 code by Michael Schulz and Manfred Mudelsee to estimate red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced time series, without requiring interpolation.
Metasite with links to source codes in Fortran and C implementing statistical methods which are freely available on the Internet. The codes are chosen for their potential utility for research in astronomy and other physical sciences.
Code for "Invariant Small Sample Confidence Intervals For The Difference Of Two Success Probabilities" and "Bootstrap Prediction and Confidence Bands: a Superior Statistical Method for Analysis of Gait Data", by Thomas Santner.
Programs from book by Christopher Jennison.
Fortran 90 code by Kelley Pace.
Codes in Fortran 90 and 77. Accompanies the book "GSLIB: Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide" by Clayton Deutsch and André Journel.
Determines one-sided tolerance limits (in particular, A- and B-basis material property values) for regression models in the presence of between-batch variability. By Mark Vangel.
Fortran 77 code for statistics by Charlie Reeve, covering probability distributions, random number generation, least-squares calculations, and other topics.
Links to AutoRJ for reversible jump MCMC, Nmix for Bayesian analysis of univariate normal mixtures by MCMC, Cpt for Bayesian multiple change point analysis for point processes, and Dirichlet tessellation software.
Fortran 90 codes for univariate and multivariate random number generation, computation of simple statistics, covariance matrices, principal components analysis, multiple regression, and jacknife cross-validation, by Dan Hennen.
Complete code of six stand-alone Fortran programs for cluster analysis, described and illustrated in L. Kaufman and P.J. Rousseeuw (1990), "Finding Groups in Data: an Introduction to Cluster Analysis", Wiley.
Developed by Robert E. Kalaba and Leigh Tesfatsion, implements the flexible least squares (FLS) approach to time-varying linear regression proposed by Kalaba and Tesfatsion in "Time-Varying Linear Regression Via Flexible Least Squares," Computers and Mathematics With Applications 17 (1989), 1215-1245. The FLS program has been incorporated into the statistical packages SHAZAM (Version 8.0) and GAUSS (TSM version 1.2).
Code for book by Paul W. Mielke Jr. and Kenneth J. Berry.
Fortran codes for cointegration tests and other time series topics.
Fortran 77 statistical library by James Filliben.
Program for canonical community ordination by [partial] [detrended] [canonical] correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. [Commercial]
Fortran 77 and RATFOR code to fit smoothing splines using generalized cross-validation.
Mixture modelling by Minimum Message Length (MML).
Fortran 77 code for paper by K. Rao Kadiyala and Sune Karlsson.
Fortran 90 and 77 codes by W.H. Press and G.B. Rybicki, for fast inversion matrices of an exponential form arising from autocorrelation functions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
Fortran subroutines for calculating smoothing splines for various kinds of data and geometries, with automatic knot selection.
Fortran 90 program by Johnny Lin to calculate the time-dependent exponent (lambda) and logarithmic displacement curves of a time series.
Allows one to estimate and analyze dynamic, nonlinear, simultaneous equations models. The models can be rational expectations models, and they can have autoregressive errors of any order. The estimation techniques include OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS, FIML, LAD, 2SLAD, and some versions of Hansen's method of moments estimator.
By Gabriele Fiorentini, Giorgio Calzolari, and Lorenzo Panattoni, for a 1996 paper in the Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Code in C and Fortran for the analysis of time series with methods based on the theory of nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems (chaos).
Fortran 77 code for random number generation (uniform, exponential, normal, binomial, poisson, geometric, gamma, beta, negative binomial and Weibull), and GLIMCLIM (Generalised Linear Modelling of daily climate sequences).
Fortran 90 code by Geir Evensen.
Fortran 95 code for the book Numerical Methods of Statistics, by John Monahan
Code by Marne C. Cario and Barry L. Nelson to simulate stationary time series with arbitrary marginal distributions and feasible autocorrelation structure specified through lag p.
Random number generators in Fortran.
By Phil Brierley. A genetic algorithm code is at .
RKPACK and RKPACK-II are collections of RATFOR (rational FORTRAN) routines by Chong Gu for Gaussian regression using smoothing splines, penalized likelihood density and hazard estimation.
Fits a mixture model of multivariate normal or t-distributions to a user supplied data set via the EM algorithm. By Geoff McLachlan.
Last update:
December 11, 2022 at 6:25:05 UTC
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