Subcategories 15
Related categories 5
Sites 32
Java middleware library supporting publish/subscribe, request/reply and point-to-point messaging. Site includes documentation and download option. [GNU Library or LGPL]
A set of libraries automating or improving on existing solutions includes J2EE Scheduler, Lookup Loader, Struts Extensions. [Open source, LGPL]
Java job scheduler, workflow engine, and file transfer engine. Web user interface, command line interface, and Java APIs are used to design, monitor, and control jobs. Can be embedded in Java applications. [Commercial]
A Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa.
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
Java libraries for diverse purposes including XSL-FO designer, report design and print, barcode print and scan, charts and graphs, fax and sms, PDF signing, OCR. Site includes documentation and download section. [Commercial]
Collection of open source reusable Java components from the Apache/Jakarta community.
Implementation of the JSR-107 JCache API. Its aim is to provide an open source alternative to commercial jcache implementations and deliver a fast distributed caching mechanism for java and j2ee. [Open source, LGPL]
Utility classes for the java collections framework. [Open source, GPL or LGPL]
A general-purpose plug-in framework intended to help building scalable, extendable Java applications with low cost of maintenance. [Open source, LGPL]
This library adds a higher layer of abstraction to the standard Java print API. It has an opened architecture and simplifies the printing of complex components (e.g. tables) and reports. An interactive print preview is also included.
Java class library. The main objective is to provide a cross platform, multi-language set of utilities for use with Java applications.
Java library for real-Time, embedded and high-performance applications.
A complete re-implementation of the java.beans packages. This project builds on the deficiencies of the Sun implementation to provide developers with a set of tools that can be used in everyday practice. The JBeans project provides more support for getting and setting bean properties, type conversion, nested properties, indexed properties, and full JavaBeans. [Open source, LGPL]
A Java class library for credit card transaction processing. [Open source, BSD License]
An XML-based configuration engine for Java applications. It could be used any Java application - client-side and server-side applications, Swing and web applications. [Open source, LGPL]
A binding for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) written in java. Now you can use SDL and still program with Java. [Open source, LGPL]
Report generator and print preview JavaBean.
A Java framework for creating online multiplayer games. [Open source, GPL]
A meta architecture for the Java virtual machine.
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) service provider for accessing arbitrary Java objects in a hierarchical namespace. [Open source, GPL]
General purpose Java tools libraries: Lib (Objects, Strings, Files, FileFormat, Web, Tools, ZipInput); run - a Java application that runs code from a URL; jsp - Universal JSP turns JSP language into Macro; Practical XML - a very simple XML library.
Provides the following services: implementation of complete UML 1.3 physical metamodel, easy to use interfaces, event notification, undo/redo support, reflective API, XMI loading/saving. [Open Source, LGPL]
A class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics and artificial intelligence. It comprises theorem proving, computer algebra, search and planning, as well as learning algorithms.
A collections framework for primitive Java types. The framework supports all primitive types and includes bridges to the standard Java Collections Framework. [Open source, LGPL]
Java utility libraries for text, IO, XML, database. Online javadocs. [Open source]
Utilities such as printf, array manipulation, console mode dialogs, file management, text, and DES crypto. [Commercial]
Offers libraries for the Java platform, such as dated collections, print preview, report visualization, and an OODB. [Commercial]
A pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library that provides high level of control over subversion repository operations. [Open source, BSD-like]
Set of Java, COM and JavaScript libraries which together can provide connectivity between all kinds of applications. [Open Source, GPL]
Collection of useful Java classes, including an XML generator and a simple editor. [Open Source, GPL]
Provides a powerful collection of index-structures, query operators and algorithms facilitating the performance evaluation of new query processing developments. [Open Source, LGPL]
A Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa.
Utilities such as printf, array manipulation, console mode dialogs, file management, text, and DES crypto. [Commercial]
A Java framework for creating online multiplayer games. [Open source, GPL]
ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols). [Commercial, trial versions]
A class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics and artificial intelligence. It comprises theorem proving, computer algebra, search and planning, as well as learning algorithms.
A meta architecture for the Java virtual machine.
A set of libraries automating or improving on existing solutions includes J2EE Scheduler, Lookup Loader, Struts Extensions. [Open source, LGPL]
Java job scheduler, workflow engine, and file transfer engine. Web user interface, command line interface, and Java APIs are used to design, monitor, and control jobs. Can be embedded in Java applications. [Commercial]
Java libraries for diverse purposes including XSL-FO designer, report design and print, barcode print and scan, charts and graphs, fax and sms, PDF signing, OCR. Site includes documentation and download section. [Commercial]
Java middleware library supporting publish/subscribe, request/reply and point-to-point messaging. Site includes documentation and download option. [GNU Library or LGPL]
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) service provider for accessing arbitrary Java objects in a hierarchical namespace. [Open source, GPL]
Collection of open source reusable Java components from the Apache/Jakarta community.
Java library for real-Time, embedded and high-performance applications.
A pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library that provides high level of control over subversion repository operations. [Open source, BSD-like]
Provides a powerful collection of index-structures, query operators and algorithms facilitating the performance evaluation of new query processing developments. [Open Source, LGPL]
Java class library. The main objective is to provide a cross platform, multi-language set of utilities for use with Java applications.
Utility classes for the java collections framework. [Open source, GPL or LGPL]
A binding for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) written in java. Now you can use SDL and still program with Java. [Open source, LGPL]
A general-purpose plug-in framework intended to help building scalable, extendable Java applications with low cost of maintenance. [Open source, LGPL]
A complete re-implementation of the java.beans packages. This project builds on the deficiencies of the Sun implementation to provide developers with a set of tools that can be used in everyday practice. The JBeans project provides more support for getting and setting bean properties, type conversion, nested properties, indexed properties, and full JavaBeans. [Open source, LGPL]
A Java class library for credit card transaction processing. [Open source, BSD License]
Report generator and print preview JavaBean.
This library adds a higher layer of abstraction to the standard Java print API. It has an opened architecture and simplifies the printing of complex components (e.g. tables) and reports. An interactive print preview is also included.
General purpose Java tools libraries: Lib (Objects, Strings, Files, FileFormat, Web, Tools, ZipInput); run - a Java application that runs code from a URL; jsp - Universal JSP turns JSP language into Macro; Practical XML - a very simple XML library.
Java utility libraries for text, IO, XML, database. Online javadocs. [Open source]
A collections framework for primitive Java types. The framework supports all primitive types and includes bridges to the standard Java Collections Framework. [Open source, LGPL]
Provides the following services: implementation of complete UML 1.3 physical metamodel, easy to use interfaces, event notification, undo/redo support, reflective API, XMI loading/saving. [Open Source, LGPL]
Set of Java, COM and JavaScript libraries which together can provide connectivity between all kinds of applications. [Open Source, GPL]
Offers libraries for the Java platform, such as dated collections, print preview, report visualization, and an OODB. [Commercial]
An XML-based configuration engine for Java applications. It could be used any Java application - client-side and server-side applications, Swing and web applications. [Open source, LGPL]
Collection of useful Java classes, including an XML generator and a simple editor. [Open Source, GPL]
Implementation of the JSR-107 JCache API. Its aim is to provide an open source alternative to commercial jcache implementations and deliver a fast distributed caching mechanism for java and j2ee. [Open source, LGPL]

Last update:
June 24, 2023 at 6:25:02 UTC

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