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Aspect-oriented extensions to the Java language - that is, extensions which allow some degree of separation of crosscutting concerns (concerns which would otherwise cut across classes and/or methods).
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A tool for Java (with optional Emacs support) which helps developers to find and visualise crosscutting concerns, using text matching. [Freeware]
Aspect-oriented Java extension, seamless, from Xerox PARC. Goal: to make aspect-oriented programming (AOP) technology available to a wide range of programmers. [Open Source, MPL]
An adaptive programming language based on Java. The "big sister" of DJ.
Support for adaptive programming (dynamic structure-shy traversals and visitors) in pure Java.
A research prototype for Event-based Aspect-Oriented Programming (EAOP) for Java.
Advanced Java-based aspect-oriented programming (AOP or AOSD) language originally tailored for the component-based field. Main traits: highly reusable aspects, strong aspectual composition mechanism to manage combinations of aspects.
Helps enforce architectural rules (layering, tiering, and modularity) in Java code. It applies pattern-based access rules from XML rules files to compiled classes. [Open source, GPL]
PROgrammable extenSions of sErvices; allows modifying Java programs at run-time; dynamic aspect-oriented programming (AOP), adaptive service architectures, and information systems for mobile computing.
An adaptive programming language based on Java. The "big sister" of DJ.
Advanced Java-based aspect-oriented programming (AOP or AOSD) language originally tailored for the component-based field. Main traits: highly reusable aspects, strong aspectual composition mechanism to manage combinations of aspects.
Helps enforce architectural rules (layering, tiering, and modularity) in Java code. It applies pattern-based access rules from XML rules files to compiled classes. [Open source, GPL]
PROgrammable extenSions of sErvices; allows modifying Java programs at run-time; dynamic aspect-oriented programming (AOP), adaptive service architectures, and information systems for mobile computing.
A research prototype for Event-based Aspect-Oriented Programming (EAOP) for Java.
Aspect-oriented Java extension, seamless, from Xerox PARC. Goal: to make aspect-oriented programming (AOP) technology available to a wide range of programmers. [Open Source, MPL]
Support for adaptive programming (dynamic structure-shy traversals and visitors) in pure Java.
A tool for Java (with optional Emacs support) which helps developers to find and visualise crosscutting concerns, using text matching. [Freeware]
Last update:
February 4, 2022 at 20:35:13 UTC
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