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This category attempts to be a comprehensive listing of Scheme implementations and compilers available. This includes both commercial efforts, free software, and archaic implementations which are of historical interest.
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System with one goal: enable Scheme programming style where C(++) is usually needed; makes Scheme practical via features found in most normal languages but not Scheme and functional programming. Generators for C code, Java Virtual Machine, .NET bytecode. [Open Source, GPL]
Reliable, high performance implementation, by Cadence Research Systems. Free version exists. [Commercial]
A Scheme compiler which compiles a subset of R5RS into C. Uses the ideas presented in Baker's paper "Cheney on the MTA". It is highly portable, reasonably efficient and makes interfacing to C and C++ very easy.
Yet more Scheme implementations from the CMU AI Repository. Many of these are also available from the Indiana University Scheme Repository.
Old site, last update 1997. Embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C/C++, also a useful standalone Scheme implementation with interfaces to POSIX, Unix, X11.
Small implementation of Level 0 EuLisp, downloads in formats: tar, tgz, zip.
An R5RS Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support. [Open source, BSD license]
A commercial Scheme which is freely available for non-commercial use on Linux and FreeBSD. It has support for several features like bitmap/greymap processing and can be used as a general tool for image processing, OCR or specialized optical object and pattern recognition.
A distributed implementation of Scheme that permits efficient transmission of higher-order objects such as closures and continuations.
Ksi is a portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C. Unfortunately its documentation is all in Russian at this point.
Simple, efficient Scheme run-time system, for SPARC architecture. Petit Larceny is portable and emits C, for Linux (Intel IA32), Macintosh OS X (PowerPC), Solaris (SPARC), Windows. Common Larceny runs on Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR), emits MS IL not native or C code.
Newer versions here. Scheme system for the Palm Pilot PDA developed by Fred Bayer.
From MIT, for many systems, has code library, includes most functionality of ANSI Standard Common Lisp (CLtL2), many low-level OS interactions. Distributed with system is LIAR (LIAR Imitates Apply Recursively), optimizing compiler that outputs native machine code, has Edwin interactive Emacs-derived editor written in pure Scheme and the subject of an MIT AI Lab Memo. Arguably one of the best Scheme systems available, unarguably one of largest. Major downfall: its not totally R5RS compliant, more so for hygienic macros and #f versus the empty list. Version 7.5 now available for x86 systems.
Object-oriented Scheme dialect with first-class types, multiple inheritance, lexically distributed method definitions. based on bytecode emulator, yet reasonably fast. Description, downloads, bibliography. [Open Source, GPL]
Texas Instruments system for DOS OS; no longer maintained; download formats: source, executable/binary.
A complete Scheme system that is fully compatible with Chez Scheme but uses high-speed threaded interpreter technology in place of Chez Scheme's incremental native-code compiler. [Freeware]
Tiny, expressive; made to teach advanced computer science ideas to non-computer science students; mixes power of languages like Scheme, with standard infix notation known from calculus. Has: garbage collected tables (arrays), higher order functions, objects, meta programming, reflection.
Simple interpreter, runs on Java VM, with 3 visual aids/tools to support learning functional programming via Scheme; has viewers (environment, function call, cons-cell), i.e., global environment, recursive trees, linked list. Description, thesis, screenshots, download. Open source, GPL.
Embeds Scheme in Common Lisp.
A fast, small Scheme interpreter which is mostly compliant with the R5RS standard.
Jonathan A. Rees's unofficial page: history, links, status.
A small and portable implementation based on a bytecode interpreter designed to be used as a testbed for experiments in implementation techniques.
HTMLized by Margaret Fleck, one of the authors of Envision.
An implementation of the Scheme language in OCaml. The primary purpose of Schoca is the use as an embedded extension language in OCaml applications. [Open source, GPL]
A portable Scheme implementation written by Aubrey Jaffer.
Scheme Shell, broad-spectrum system programming environment for Unix, embedded in R5RS Scheme 48. Supports concurrent system programming, sophisticated I/O and automatic garbage collection for process resources.
Very small, portable implementation, has some database, Unix programming, CGI scripting extensions. Runs on DOS, Linux, Unix, Windows. Free source downloads.
Portable Scheme implementation, conforms to IEEE/ANSI standard, supports all features of R5RS Report, many features of Chez Scheme and various SRFIs. Derived from XScheme: object system dropped, many changes, additions.
Scheme-like language developed at Yale; is to Scheme rather as NIL is to Lisp; mainly of interest to historians and theoreticians. FTP for v3.1.
Fairly detailed, by Olin Shivers.
History with: downloads, contributors, timeline, publications, influence, users, successors, Olin history errata. By Jonathan A. Rees.
Based on Mini-Scheme, tiny implementation, almost a full R5RS Scheme. Goal: embedded scripting use, but works as standalone interpreter and extensible shell tool. Recent changes reduced executable size to about 64KB on Linux/x86. [BSD]
A portable Scheme implementation written by Matthias Blume of Princeton University. No longer actively developed.
Lisp version based on, and evolutionary improvement on, experimental XLisp.
Based on XLisp, but with built-in statistics support.
Simple interpreter, runs on Java VM, with 3 visual aids/tools to support learning functional programming via Scheme; has viewers (environment, function call, cons-cell), i.e., global environment, recursive trees, linked list. Description, thesis, screenshots, download. Open source, GPL.
Scheme Shell, broad-spectrum system programming environment for Unix, embedded in R5RS Scheme 48. Supports concurrent system programming, sophisticated I/O and automatic garbage collection for process resources.
Simple, efficient Scheme run-time system, for SPARC architecture. Petit Larceny is portable and emits C, for Linux (Intel IA32), Macintosh OS X (PowerPC), Solaris (SPARC), Windows. Common Larceny runs on Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR), emits MS IL not native or C code.
A portable Scheme implementation written by Matthias Blume of Princeton University. No longer actively developed.
From MIT, for many systems, has code library, includes most functionality of ANSI Standard Common Lisp (CLtL2), many low-level OS interactions. Distributed with system is LIAR (LIAR Imitates Apply Recursively), optimizing compiler that outputs native machine code, has Edwin interactive Emacs-derived editor written in pure Scheme and the subject of an MIT AI Lab Memo. Arguably one of the best Scheme systems available, unarguably one of largest. Major downfall: its not totally R5RS compliant, more so for hygienic macros and #f versus the empty list. Version 7.5 now available for x86 systems.
An implementation of the Scheme language in OCaml. The primary purpose of Schoca is the use as an embedded extension language in OCaml applications. [Open source, GPL]
A portable Scheme implementation written by Aubrey Jaffer.
Object-oriented Scheme dialect with first-class types, multiple inheritance, lexically distributed method definitions. based on bytecode emulator, yet reasonably fast. Description, downloads, bibliography. [Open Source, GPL]
An R5RS Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support. [Open source, BSD license]
Small implementation of Level 0 EuLisp, downloads in formats: tar, tgz, zip.
Embeds Scheme in Common Lisp.
Jonathan A. Rees's unofficial page: history, links, status.
A small and portable implementation based on a bytecode interpreter designed to be used as a testbed for experiments in implementation techniques.
Tiny, expressive; made to teach advanced computer science ideas to non-computer science students; mixes power of languages like Scheme, with standard infix notation known from calculus. Has: garbage collected tables (arrays), higher order functions, objects, meta programming, reflection.
Ksi is a portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C. Unfortunately its documentation is all in Russian at this point.
Very small, portable implementation, has some database, Unix programming, CGI scripting extensions. Runs on DOS, Linux, Unix, Windows. Free source downloads.
A distributed implementation of Scheme that permits efficient transmission of higher-order objects such as closures and continuations.
Newer versions here. Scheme system for the Palm Pilot PDA developed by Fred Bayer.
A Scheme compiler which compiles a subset of R5RS into C. Uses the ideas presented in Baker's paper "Cheney on the MTA". It is highly portable, reasonably efficient and makes interfacing to C and C++ very easy.
Scheme-like language developed at Yale; is to Scheme rather as NIL is to Lisp; mainly of interest to historians and theoreticians. FTP for v3.1.
Based on XLisp, but with built-in statistics support.
Texas Instruments system for DOS OS; no longer maintained; download formats: source, executable/binary.
Fairly detailed, by Olin Shivers.
Based on Mini-Scheme, tiny implementation, almost a full R5RS Scheme. Goal: embedded scripting use, but works as standalone interpreter and extensible shell tool. Recent changes reduced executable size to about 64KB on Linux/x86. [BSD]
HTMLized by Margaret Fleck, one of the authors of Envision.
Old site, last update 1997. Embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C/C++, also a useful standalone Scheme implementation with interfaces to POSIX, Unix, X11.
System with one goal: enable Scheme programming style where C(++) is usually needed; makes Scheme practical via features found in most normal languages but not Scheme and functional programming. Generators for C code, Java Virtual Machine, .NET bytecode. [Open Source, GPL]
A fast, small Scheme interpreter which is mostly compliant with the R5RS standard.
Yet more Scheme implementations from the CMU AI Repository. Many of these are also available from the Indiana University Scheme Repository.
Reliable, high performance implementation, by Cadence Research Systems. Free version exists. [Commercial]
Portable Scheme implementation, conforms to IEEE/ANSI standard, supports all features of R5RS Report, many features of Chez Scheme and various SRFIs. Derived from XScheme: object system dropped, many changes, additions.
Lisp version based on, and evolutionary improvement on, experimental XLisp.
A complete Scheme system that is fully compatible with Chez Scheme but uses high-speed threaded interpreter technology in place of Chez Scheme's incremental native-code compiler. [Freeware]
History with: downloads, contributors, timeline, publications, influence, users, successors, Olin history errata. By Jonathan A. Rees.
A commercial Scheme which is freely available for non-commercial use on Linux and FreeBSD. It has support for several features like bitmap/greymap processing and can be used as a general tool for image processing, OCR or specialized optical object and pattern recognition.
Last update:
October 29, 2023 at 5:25:09 UTC
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