Service companies from India covering Software Testing without focus on special topics or tools.
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Provides offshore software quality assurance and testing services. The company presents itself and its services and practices.
Independent verification and validation company based in Bangalore. Provides test automation, performance/load testing a well as component and API testing.
A global offshore testing services company for various technologies and domains like mobile, games, printer, peripheral devices, GUI / command automation and performance. Delivery centers in India.
Independent verification and validation company based in Bangalore. Provides test automation, performance/load testing a well as component and API testing.
Provides offshore software quality assurance and testing services. The company presents itself and its services and practices.
A global offshore testing services company for various technologies and domains like mobile, games, printer, peripheral devices, GUI / command automation and performance. Delivery centers in India.
Last update:
July 5, 2022 at 6:35:04 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1