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Computers Security News and Media
Sites offering general computer security news.
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News and editorials on security related topics, along with a database of security knowledge.
News aggregator focused on information security in the banking industry, and covering the Gramm-Leach-Bliley and Sarbanes-Oxley regulatory requirements.
Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Emergency Response Team.
News on biometrics, RFID, smartcards and other identification systems. Weekly digests available via email.
Help Net Security is a security portal offering various information on security issues - news, vulnerabilities, press releases, software, viruses and a popular weekly newsletter.
News digests arranged by subject with links to full articles. Subjects include cybercrime, regulation, consumer issues and technology.
Former Washington Post staffer Brian Krebs writes on cyber crime and other Internet security topics.
Security research weblog, from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
Community weblog covering security issues and projects related to securing Linux.
24-hour newsfeed aggregating breaking security and encryption headlines from many other websites such as CNET, Wired, Linux Today, and Slashdot. Updated every five minutes.
Search engine/portal for IT professionals focused on Security. Includes search capabilities; links to relevant content; editorial insight, summaries; daily industry news, weekly technology tips delivered via email.
Computer and network security software, information, and news.
News and resources for securing the Mac OS X platform.
Group dedicated to bringing you the latest news and utilities in computer security. Latest exploits with a focus on both Windows and Unix.
Weblog feed offering information and opinion on information security topics. [RSS]
Offers current news and articles explaining key IT security concepts. [RSS]
Weblog on computer and online security.
News and editorials on security related topics, along with a database of security knowledge.
Help Net Security is a security portal offering various information on security issues - news, vulnerabilities, press releases, software, viruses and a popular weekly newsletter.
Former Washington Post staffer Brian Krebs writes on cyber crime and other Internet security topics.
24-hour newsfeed aggregating breaking security and encryption headlines from many other websites such as CNET, Wired, Linux Today, and Slashdot. Updated every five minutes.
Weblog feed offering information and opinion on information security topics. [RSS]
Weblog on computer and online security.
Security research weblog, from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
News and resources for securing the Mac OS X platform.
Community weblog covering security issues and projects related to securing Linux.
News aggregator focused on information security in the banking industry, and covering the Gramm-Leach-Bliley and Sarbanes-Oxley regulatory requirements.
News on biometrics, RFID, smartcards and other identification systems. Weekly digests available via email.
Search engine/portal for IT professionals focused on Security. Includes search capabilities; links to relevant content; editorial insight, summaries; daily industry news, weekly technology tips delivered via email.
News digests arranged by subject with links to full articles. Subjects include cybercrime, regulation, consumer issues and technology.
Offers current news and articles explaining key IT security concepts. [RSS]
Group dedicated to bringing you the latest news and utilities in computer security. Latest exploits with a focus on both Windows and Unix.
Computer and network security software, information, and news.
Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Emergency Response Team.

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November 5, 2023 at 5:45:05 UTC
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