Microsoft Access is a mature database product which provides excellent tools for building departmental level databases. The directory's scope includes listings of interest to Access developers as well as Access users.
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Subcategories 5
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Sites 10
Provides links to FAQs, articles, whitepapers, and the support knowledgebase for the Office database management program.
FAQs provided in both English and French; also code examples, utilities, and links.
Database design and implementation articles, tips, tricks, code samples, FAQs and free downloadable database examples.
Arvin Meyer's website offers downloadable databases, a collection of advanced code samples, and consulting services.
Pictorial history of Microsoft Access including package images and feature enhancement descriptions.
A compendium of Access 97 and 2000 routines from various authors, many separated into distinct databases. Also a collection of white papers from different sources.
MS Access database design and programming company.
Technical support forums and mutual help system for Access developers.
Tips, hints, and sample code for programmers; Access Email FAQ; ZIP database; Access SIGS; and links.
Discussion forums and wiki, coving beginner to professional level, for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, and SQL Server.
Provides links to FAQs, articles, whitepapers, and the support knowledgebase for the Office database management program.
MS Access database design and programming company.
Discussion forums and wiki, coving beginner to professional level, for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, and SQL Server.
Database design and implementation articles, tips, tricks, code samples, FAQs and free downloadable database examples.
FAQs provided in both English and French; also code examples, utilities, and links.
Technical support forums and mutual help system for Access developers.
A compendium of Access 97 and 2000 routines from various authors, many separated into distinct databases. Also a collection of white papers from different sources.
Arvin Meyer's website offers downloadable databases, a collection of advanced code samples, and consulting services.
Tips, hints, and sample code for programmers; Access Email FAQ; ZIP database; Access SIGS; and links.
Pictorial history of Microsoft Access including package images and feature enhancement descriptions.
Other languages 4

Last update:
October 28, 2023 at 5:45:08 UTC

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