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OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing), a technology supporting analytical capabilities against one or more of data sources. OLAP systems usually involve analyzing data that originated in a traditional database, but was then transformed into a multi-dimensional structure for easier visualization. Relational and multi-dimensional database models usually serve very different purposes; while the former is intended for read/write, transactional, high-volume activities, the latter is suited for low-volume, complex queries that span large quantities of data at any time. Relational databases have SQL as their query language; in contrast, multi-dimensional OLAP environments have no commonly accepted language, although the proprietary MDX language created by Microsoft is gaining acceptance. Related categories include: - Data mining, which attempts to discover trends and patterns in the data; - Data warehousing, which attempts to reconcile some or all of a company's data sources into a single all-encompassing database; - Data transformation tools, which provide the means to cleanse and manipulate data while transferring it from one location to another.
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Collection of information related to Online Analytical Processing and selected related disciplines including Data Warehousing (DW), Decision Support Systems (DSS), and Executive Information Systems (EIS). Maintained as a public service by Alta Plana Corporation.
Programming free, integrated multi-dimensional database for fast information analysis and modeling.
BIXL delivers data from Microsoft's SQL Server Analysis Server component, as well as other OLE DB for OLAP compliant cubes, right into Excel.
OLAP software for interactive reporting, data analysis and information delivery. Palo Alto, CA.
Privately held company specializing in the development and marketing of multidimensional data visualization, analysis, and reporting software.
Provides business intelligence solutions, including online analytical processing (OLAP) management and analytical tools.
Understanding OLAP technology by example.
JPivot is a JSP custom tag library that renders an OLAP table and chart. Users can perform typical OLAP navigations like drill down, slice and dice. It uses Mondrian and XMLA as its OLAP engines.
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
An open-source OLAP server written in Java.
Provides regularly updated, detailed and unbiased information on the OLAP market and OLAP products.
Oracle Express OLAP products support strategic decision making across a range of enterprises, including government, pharmaceuticals, retail, utilities, insurance, health care, entertainment, manufacturing, brewing, banking, and telecommunications.
Offers OLAP solutions for Delphi and C++ Builder programmers.
OLAP software for interactive reporting, data analysis and information delivery. Palo Alto, CA.
Understanding OLAP technology by example.
Programming free, integrated multi-dimensional database for fast information analysis and modeling.
Privately held company specializing in the development and marketing of multidimensional data visualization, analysis, and reporting software.
Oracle Express OLAP products support strategic decision making across a range of enterprises, including government, pharmaceuticals, retail, utilities, insurance, health care, entertainment, manufacturing, brewing, banking, and telecommunications.
Data mining and knowledge discovery resources.
Offers OLAP solutions for Delphi and C++ Builder programmers.
An open-source OLAP server written in Java.
Provides business intelligence solutions, including online analytical processing (OLAP) management and analytical tools.
BIXL delivers data from Microsoft's SQL Server Analysis Server component, as well as other OLE DB for OLAP compliant cubes, right into Excel.
Collection of information related to Online Analytical Processing and selected related disciplines including Data Warehousing (DW), Decision Support Systems (DSS), and Executive Information Systems (EIS). Maintained as a public service by Alta Plana Corporation.
JPivot is a JSP custom tag library that renders an OLAP table and chart. Users can perform typical OLAP navigations like drill down, slice and dice. It uses Mondrian and XMLA as its OLAP engines.
Provides regularly updated, detailed and unbiased information on the OLAP market and OLAP products.
Last update:
October 30, 2023 at 6:45:03 UTC
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