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Plugins are independent programs, which are loaded into Graphics programs, to amplify or add capabilities to the program. There are many Plugins available, not only as commercial products but shareware and freeware, which have a variety of functions.
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DCspecial plugin filters work with various graphics applications. Highly prized collection, six years in the making, includes various Tile Tools, Layer FX, and even some Psychedelics.
Developer of high-end filters as Super BladePro, Flood, LunarCell, Designer Sextet, Melancholytron, Lacquer and others for Paint Shop Pro.
Collection of 55 plugins designed for Paint Shop Pro and other compatible applications. Set includes color and glass effects, color gradient effects, filters for encrypting and decrypting images, atmospherizer and color cocktail effects, pattern effects, and a quadrant flip effect.
Developer of graphic plugins for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoPaint, and additional graphic software, covering masking, color correction, text effect, textures, digital painting, and image deformation.
Free plugin filters for Paint Shop Pro that will create basic borders. Installation help on site. Links to other free filters.
Mesh 3D is a nettings effect designer and, Jama 3D will create corrugated and cellular like patterns from 2D images. Jama 2000 is a powerful pattern and texture generator. Lattice Composer is a grids and nettings effect designer.
Free plugin filters for Paint Shop Pro that will create basic borders. Installation help on site. Links to other free filters.
Collection of 55 plugins designed for Paint Shop Pro and other compatible applications. Set includes color and glass effects, color gradient effects, filters for encrypting and decrypting images, atmospherizer and color cocktail effects, pattern effects, and a quadrant flip effect.
Developer of graphic plugins for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoPaint, and additional graphic software, covering masking, color correction, text effect, textures, digital painting, and image deformation.
Developer of high-end filters as Super BladePro, Flood, LunarCell, Designer Sextet, Melancholytron, Lacquer and others for Paint Shop Pro.
Mesh 3D is a nettings effect designer and, Jama 3D will create corrugated and cellular like patterns from 2D images. Jama 2000 is a powerful pattern and texture generator. Lattice Composer is a grids and nettings effect designer.
DCspecial plugin filters work with various graphics applications. Highly prized collection, six years in the making, includes various Tile Tools, Layer FX, and even some Psychedelics.
Last update:
July 8, 2021 at 12:45:09 UTC
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