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Gimp Plugins. Plugins are independent programs, which are loaded into GIMP, to amplify or add capabilities to the GIMP.
More information
The plugin is capable of loading saved games generated by Civilization II from Microprose and the maps generated by its map editor.
Download, features, system requirements and usage instructions.
Randomize and Blur: these plug-in perform various operations on an image, allowing the user to select a percentage of pixels to operate one, and a repeat count.
Xach's Plugin Previews
This project is about developing plugins for the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is also about creating a community for plugin developers.
A print plugin for the GIMP.
A package that allows users to write plugins for the Gimp in the Python programming language rather than Script-Fu (Scheme), Perl, Tcl or C.
A GIMP plugin for creating impressionist painting like effect on images. Originally written by Vidar Madsen.
The Refocus Gimp plug-in can be used to sharpen images. Contains online documentation and download links.
Floyd-Steinberg dithering, Page Curl, Quant, Globe, Button Bar, scripts and a few tutorials for Gimp.
Includes a set of brushes, plugins and several scripts for Gimp users.
Imports a variety of camera raw file formats, interactively performing color and level corrections while the images are still 16 bit. Also includes batch and interactive command line converters.
Randomize and Blur: these plug-in perform various operations on an image, allowing the user to select a percentage of pixels to operate one, and a repeat count.
The plugin is capable of loading saved games generated by Civilization II from Microprose and the maps generated by its map editor.
A package that allows users to write plugins for the Gimp in the Python programming language rather than Script-Fu (Scheme), Perl, Tcl or C.
A print plugin for the GIMP.
Includes a set of brushes, plugins and several scripts for Gimp users.
A GIMP plugin for creating impressionist painting like effect on images. Originally written by Vidar Madsen.
Imports a variety of camera raw file formats, interactively performing color and level corrections while the images are still 16 bit. Also includes batch and interactive command line converters.
Download, features, system requirements and usage instructions.
The Refocus Gimp plug-in can be used to sharpen images. Contains online documentation and download links.
Xach's Plugin Previews
Floyd-Steinberg dithering, Page Curl, Quant, Globe, Button Bar, scripts and a few tutorials for Gimp.
This project is about developing plugins for the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is also about creating a community for plugin developers.
Last update:
December 21, 2024 at 17:56:31 UTC
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