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Gentoo Linux is a special flavor of Linux that is normally custom-built on every machine and thus can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. This should provide better performance and configurability. Small setup-files, called ebuilds, contain the information about how to build a package. When the user installs the package, it is transferred to the machine, compiled and installed.
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The official pages for the distribution provide documentation, downloads and installation instructions, mailing-lists, forums, performance reviews and news.
A tool that allows to edit ebuild-scripts and check the syntax before trying to build it. Lists features, downloads, documentation and screenshots. No longer actively developed.
A frontend written in sh which makes Portage (the Gentoo Linux package manager) more efficient by backgrounding downloads and allowing for automatic prelinking of packages.
Provides information about supported implementations of the Lisp programming language.
A liveCD based Gentoo that can be used to boot Linux without installing.
Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions.
Provides a journal of user-experiences. Managed by Users.
The official weblog aggregator for the project that creates one feed out of many Gentoo Linux developer feeds. Lists all contributors and the latest posts by various developers.
Offers Gentoo-related products. Store profits are used to support Gentoo development efforts, server infrastructure and further efforts to establish a not-for-profit entity for Gentoo.
A graphical frontend for portage. Releasenote, changelog, download and screenshots.
Lists new packages and provides changelogs, displays stable and unstable versions of a package and allows searching for packages by name and description.
A GTK-based frontend for Portage. Provides a short description, screenshots, downloads and an ebuild for the software.
A GUI to the emerge command to handle packages.
Blog about problems with Gentoo's installation and configuration. Other linux tips, too.
Provides some ebuilds for Gentoo that are not yet in the portage tree.
A long-term Red Hat Linux user has given an honest look at Gentoo, and has concluded that the stereotypes surrounding this distribution are false. (March 22, 2004)
A review describing the experience during installation and a summary of strong points and weaknesses. (December 04, 2003)
Ladislav Bodnar talks about how Gentoo became one of the most widely used distributions. Describes originality, persistence, packages, documentation, community. (November 19, 2003)
A review of the distribution. (April 15, 2002)
The official pages for the distribution provide documentation, downloads and installation instructions, mailing-lists, forums, performance reviews and news.
Blog about problems with Gentoo's installation and configuration. Other linux tips, too.
Provides a journal of user-experiences. Managed by Users.
A tool that allows to edit ebuild-scripts and check the syntax before trying to build it. Lists features, downloads, documentation and screenshots. No longer actively developed.
Offers Gentoo-related products. Store profits are used to support Gentoo development efforts, server infrastructure and further efforts to establish a not-for-profit entity for Gentoo.
Lists new packages and provides changelogs, displays stable and unstable versions of a package and allows searching for packages by name and description.
Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions.
A GUI to the emerge command to handle packages.
A GTK-based frontend for Portage. Provides a short description, screenshots, downloads and an ebuild for the software.
A liveCD based Gentoo that can be used to boot Linux without installing.
Provides some ebuilds for Gentoo that are not yet in the portage tree.
The official weblog aggregator for the project that creates one feed out of many Gentoo Linux developer feeds. Lists all contributors and the latest posts by various developers.
Provides information about supported implementations of the Lisp programming language.
A graphical frontend for portage. Releasenote, changelog, download and screenshots.
A frontend written in sh which makes Portage (the Gentoo Linux package manager) more efficient by backgrounding downloads and allowing for automatic prelinking of packages.
A long-term Red Hat Linux user has given an honest look at Gentoo, and has concluded that the stereotypes surrounding this distribution are false. (March 22, 2004)
A review describing the experience during installation and a summary of strong points and weaknesses. (December 04, 2003)
Ladislav Bodnar talks about how Gentoo became one of the most widely used distributions. Describes originality, persistence, packages, documentation, community. (November 19, 2003)
A review of the distribution. (April 15, 2002)

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December 10, 2022 at 6:15:03 UTC
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