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Device drivers, sometimes called hardware drivers, are small blocks of software, program routines, which are used to interface between an operating system, and various hardware devices, usually peripherals. Writing them demands deep knowledge of the OS, and of a device's command language and properties.
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Archived Asus MyPal driver downloads. System software for many older MyPal models.
Free driver for a class of digital cameras, from Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute.
Freeware driver update software. Provides automatic driver updates for Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
Requires registration subscription to find current versions of all drivers, DLL's, and VXD's.
Provides new and archived drivers for Intel components like graphics cards, sound, network, BIOS, and chipset components.
Driver downloads for all Microsoft-branded hardware devices such as mice, keyboards, webcams
Develops many network and sound components used by major pc manufacturers. Provides downloads for many hard-to-find ethernet and sound cards.
Regularly updated direct-download links for almost all hardware and peripheral manufacturers, Solid search function also available.
Develops device driver for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/CE. Free demo version downloads.
Requires registration subscription to find current versions of all drivers, DLL's, and VXD's.
Driver downloads for all Microsoft-branded hardware devices such as mice, keyboards, webcams
Freeware driver update software. Provides automatic driver updates for Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
Archived Asus MyPal driver downloads. System software for many older MyPal models.
Provides new and archived drivers for Intel components like graphics cards, sound, network, BIOS, and chipset components.
Regularly updated direct-download links for almost all hardware and peripheral manufacturers, Solid search function also available.
Develops many network and sound components used by major pc manufacturers. Provides downloads for many hard-to-find ethernet and sound cards.
Develops device driver for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/CE. Free demo version downloads.
Free driver for a class of digital cameras, from Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute.
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