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Subcategories 11

Replacement for IBM's OS/2 standard command interpreter.
eCS technical tips, collection of free software for OS/2 and eCS.
Software from Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS): Blackbody Radiation, Ephemeris calculator, Lunar phases calculator, simulations. Requires SEDS login.
Software, hardware and consulting for OS/2 and eComStation. Suntan Special software written by Blonde Guy distributes latest software and patches for OS/2 and eComStation.
Home of File Commander, the Norton clone, Warpster, a Napster port, and Apache/2.
Offers InJoy Firewall for several platforms, including OS/2.
Internet Services, Micro Channel Sound Cards, and Text-Paging Software for OS/2.
A tool for partitioning, data recovery, partition table repair, undelete, resize, imaging and cloning.
Index of free and commercial software for OS/2 and eComStation.
Telnet and SSH terminal emulator for OS/2 and Windows.
Free and shareware software for OS/2.
Maul Publisher, IP Spool, Program Editor, PM Make, Calculator and Clock.
Syntax-sensitive text editor and integrated development system. [German/English]
Replacement for the OS/2 or eComStation Help Viewer.
Text mode FTP client for OS/2 and many other operating systems.
Nihongo Yet Another Open Shell.
Recommendations by Peter Moylan. Includes basic concepts of OS/2, and tuning tips. Software including FtpServer, Web Family Tree, and KeyCalc.
PDFMerge, PMDCalc, WPIView, eRedMan and FotoGet/2 software.
Set of OS/2 header files to be used to recompile your OS/2 application and a Linux Shared Object library that supplies the OS/2 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Links to the latest versions of Paul Ratcliffe's OS/2 Software
Developers of OS/2 and DOS software: Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander, IPF Editor.
Shareware image viewer, editor, and converter for OS/2 and Windows. Free trial download.
Scanner Access Now Easy
Add-ons for OS/2 and eComstation.
Multinode BBS Software
Ported software including GCC, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Python, Ghostscript and Subversion.
Mozilla ported to OS/2. Mozilla is the core of Netscape Communicator 6.
Wim's eCS-OS/2 website: USB devices, scanners and cameras.
A list of plugins to be used with XCenter and eCenter.
Applications for the OS/2 Warp and eCS: sqlMate, VistaCam, CDMagic and The Backup Demon.
eCS technical tips, collection of free software for OS/2 and eCS.
Offers InJoy Firewall for several platforms, including OS/2.
Free and shareware software for OS/2.
A tool for partitioning, data recovery, partition table repair, undelete, resize, imaging and cloning.
Syntax-sensitive text editor and integrated development system. [German/English]
Wim's eCS-OS/2 website: USB devices, scanners and cameras.
Ported software including GCC, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Python, Ghostscript and Subversion.
A list of plugins to be used with XCenter and eCenter.
Add-ons for OS/2 and eComstation.
Applications for the OS/2 Warp and eCS: sqlMate, VistaCam, CDMagic and The Backup Demon.
Maul Publisher, IP Spool, Program Editor, PM Make, Calculator and Clock.
Nihongo Yet Another Open Shell.
Replacement for IBM's OS/2 standard command interpreter.
Replacement for the OS/2 or eComStation Help Viewer.
PDFMerge, PMDCalc, WPIView, eRedMan and FotoGet/2 software.
Recommendations by Peter Moylan. Includes basic concepts of OS/2, and tuning tips. Software including FtpServer, Web Family Tree, and KeyCalc.
Shareware image viewer, editor, and converter for OS/2 and Windows. Free trial download.
Text mode FTP client for OS/2 and many other operating systems.
Software from Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS): Blackbody Radiation, Ephemeris calculator, Lunar phases calculator, simulations. Requires SEDS login.
Developers of OS/2 and DOS software: Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander, IPF Editor.
Set of OS/2 header files to be used to recompile your OS/2 application and a Linux Shared Object library that supplies the OS/2 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
Index of free and commercial software for OS/2 and eComStation.
Software, hardware and consulting for OS/2 and eComStation. Suntan Special software written by Blonde Guy distributes latest software and patches for OS/2 and eComStation.
Links to the latest versions of Paul Ratcliffe's OS/2 Software
Mozilla ported to OS/2. Mozilla is the core of Netscape Communicator 6.
Multinode BBS Software
Home of File Commander, the Norton clone, Warpster, a Napster port, and Apache/2.
Scanner Access Now Easy
Telnet and SSH terminal emulator for OS/2 and Windows.
Internet Services, Micro Channel Sound Cards, and Text-Paging Software for OS/2.
Last update:
October 28, 2023 at 5:15:17 UTC
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