Published by Guild of Blades Publishing Group.
A strategy board game covering the Russian Revolution following the end of the World War I. It is an easy to learn Axis & Allies variant style game, yet represents the conflict in Russia with historical accuracy. For 2-6 players, the Rise of the Red Army primarily represents the Bolshevik (Reds) conflict with the Crimean and Siberian (White) Russian opposition forces. In the middle of this conflict you have a number of "wild cards". Such as the Ukrainian Anarachist movement which fought against both the "Reds" and the "Whites". Such as the nations of Finland, Poland, and the Baltic states first fighting for self liberation, then territorial acquisitions against the various Russian factions. Toss in a Japanese occupation of the far east and western support of the Crimean, Siberian, and Northern White Factions.
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A territorial strategy war game covering the Russian Revolution in detail. Reds, Whites, Ukrainian Anarchist, Poland and Finnish independence movements and Japan.
A territorial strategy war game covering the Russian Revolution in detail. Reds, Whites, Ukrainian Anarchist, Poland and Finnish independence movements and Japan.
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 21:40:54 UTC
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