Designed by Klaus Teuber and based upon his board game 'The Settlers of Catan'. The full name of this is 'Settlers of Catan Card Game'. German edition 'Siedler von Catan Kartenspiele' published by Kosmos.
For 2 Players, ages 10 and up, playing time 45-90 minutes.
English edition by Mayfair Games.
Players begin play with a small principality and two settlements worth two victory points. Victory is yours when you achieve 12 victory points. Players can attack an opponent or focus on expansion through new settlements, holdings and trade to enlarge the principality. Added regions and holdings increase production and improving settlements to cities gains victory points in your struggle to win the contest. Hire knights to engage in tournaments, utilize spies and other special features to thwart your opponents plans.
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August 18, 2019 at 20:45:13 UTC

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