This category contains web sites pertaining to Medieval and Fantasy themed roleplaying games played over IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
This may include websites for active or defunct games, game logs, character pages, directories, or other sites specifically devoted to an RPG or RPG's played on IRC.
Medieval and Fantasy encompasses any games of the swords, sorcery, dungeons, elves, barbarians, magic, and dragons variety, which do not involve modern or future technology.
Games played by AD&D rules should be placed in the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons subcategory.
Games inspired by the console game Lunar should be placed in the Lunar subcategory.
IRC RPG's not taking place in a Medieval or Fantasy setting, or heavily incorporating high technology as well as magic, should be placed in an appropriate subcategory of Games: Internet: Chat: IRC: Roleplaying.
For games played in AIM/AOL IM or other non-IRC chat forums, please submit to Games: Internet: Chat instead.
For roleplaying games not played in chat, find the appropriate subcategory of Games: Roleplaying.
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A free form roleplaying game with character descriptions.
A free form roleplaying game with character descriptions.
Last update:
October 8, 2020 at 5:25:23 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel