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Created as "Number Place" in the 1970s, this logic puzzle gained mass popularity in Japan in the 1980s. "Sudoku", or "Su Doku", is Japanese for "number singly." In 2005 it gained great appeal in the United Kingdom and is rapidly expanding to the rest of the Western Hemisphere. The aim of the puzzle is to place a number from 1-9 in every square in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 "region" includes each number once only. While numbers are most often used, this is only for simplicity. No math is required, only logic. There are also variants using letters or symbols, different-sized grids, overlapping grids, and other variations.
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Single daily Sudoku puzzle, 5 different levels (easy to very difficult), playable online (Flash required) and printable to PDF.
Offers classic Sudoku and variants, as well as an online solver.
Daily Sudoku puzzle to download and print. [RSS]
Offers a different printable puzzle each day. Also includes solutions and FAQ.
Free online sudoku. Offers online game on 5 difficulty levels, changeable skins and printing up to 4 sudoku boards on one sheet of paper.
Solve Sudokus online. With explanation of some common solving strategies.
Offers a tutorial for creating puzzles, a Java-based solver, and links to other resources. [English/Japanese]
Solve Sudoku puzzles online, 5 levels, clean interface.
Easy printing of 6 sudokus per page.
Offers five difficulty levels.For each sudoku ,You can print with normal and candidate mode.
Many printable sudokus downloadable as PDF. New ones generated often.
Offers competitions for prizes. Traditional Sudoku, Godoku (letters) and Super Sudoku (16x16).
Essay by mathematician Laura Taalman explains and expands on the game, and why arithmetic isn't even necessary to solve the game. [PDF]
solve Sudoku puzzles online, 3 levels, interface a bit clunky
A scratch pad to help you fill in a Sudoku puzzle. You still have to solve it yourself. Every day, you get three fresh Sudokus.
Solves puzzles based on inputted information.
Step by step guide to solving sudoku puzzles. Goes from basic to advanced techniques.
Two daily sudoku puzzles (easy and medium), printable and solvable online.
Collection of printable grids, ordered by difficulty level. Solutions provided. Includes rules and solving methods.
Play sudoku puzzles online for free.
Sudoku generator, editor, solver. User registration and rankings.
Online sudoku solving with a very clean interface.
Free online generator, solver, and helper. [English/French/Spanish/Polish]
Offers daily puzzle in PDF format. Includes archive, FAQ, and a "dozen" variant.
Solve Sudoku online with a very clean interface.
Free, daily Sudoku puzzles to print or play online.
Solve Sudoku puzzles online, with interface targeted to tablets.
Free daily puzzles with five difficulty levels with their solutions. Also offers guide to solve Sudoku puzzles.
4 levels of online playable Sudoku. Print up to 6 sudokus on one A4 sheet. Requires Flash.
Puzzles, interactive Sudoku solver/ teacher, and tutorials.
Free daily puzzles with five difficulty levels. Also offers printable e-book.
Offers a database of crafted puzzles, organized by difficulty. Also offers FAQ and forum. [Norwegian/English]
An encyclopedia entry describing the rules, history, strategies and variants of Sudoku. Notes that these are a type of "Latin square" which have been analyzed since ancient times.
Offers HTML to add a JavaScript-based puzzle to any site. [English/Spanish]
Article by David Smith covering the puzzle's origins as "Number Place" by Dell Puzzle Magazine in New York in the 1970s. (May 14, 2005)
Article by Paula Dear. Covers history in Japan and the UK and compares to the Rubik's cube craze of the 80s. (April 22, 2005)
Solve Sudoku puzzles online, 5 levels, clean interface.
Essay by mathematician Laura Taalman explains and expands on the game, and why arithmetic isn't even necessary to solve the game. [PDF]
Easy printing of 6 sudokus per page.
Daily Sudoku puzzle to download and print. [RSS]
Puzzles, interactive Sudoku solver/ teacher, and tutorials.
solve Sudoku puzzles online, 3 levels, interface a bit clunky
Solve Sudoku puzzles online, with interface targeted to tablets.
Two daily sudoku puzzles (easy and medium), printable and solvable online.
Solve Sudoku online with a very clean interface.
Offers a different printable puzzle each day. Also includes solutions and FAQ.
A scratch pad to help you fill in a Sudoku puzzle. You still have to solve it yourself. Every day, you get three fresh Sudokus.
Online sudoku solving with a very clean interface.
Single daily Sudoku puzzle, 5 different levels (easy to very difficult), playable online (Flash required) and printable to PDF.
Many printable sudokus downloadable as PDF. New ones generated often.
Sudoku generator, editor, solver. User registration and rankings.
Solve Sudokus online. With explanation of some common solving strategies.
4 levels of online playable Sudoku. Print up to 6 sudokus on one A4 sheet. Requires Flash.
Collection of printable grids, ordered by difficulty level. Solutions provided. Includes rules and solving methods.
Play sudoku puzzles online for free.
Offers five difficulty levels.For each sudoku ,You can print with normal and candidate mode.
Free online sudoku. Offers online game on 5 difficulty levels, changeable skins and printing up to 4 sudoku boards on one sheet of paper.
Free, daily Sudoku puzzles to print or play online.
An encyclopedia entry describing the rules, history, strategies and variants of Sudoku. Notes that these are a type of "Latin square" which have been analyzed since ancient times.
Free online generator, solver, and helper. [English/French/Spanish/Polish]
Free daily puzzles with five difficulty levels with their solutions. Also offers guide to solve Sudoku puzzles.
Solves puzzles based on inputted information.
Free daily puzzles with five difficulty levels. Also offers printable e-book.
Offers classic Sudoku and variants, as well as an online solver.
Offers competitions for prizes. Traditional Sudoku, Godoku (letters) and Super Sudoku (16x16).
Offers HTML to add a JavaScript-based puzzle to any site. [English/Spanish]
Offers daily puzzle in PDF format. Includes archive, FAQ, and a "dozen" variant.
Step by step guide to solving sudoku puzzles. Goes from basic to advanced techniques.
Offers a database of crafted puzzles, organized by difficulty. Also offers FAQ and forum. [Norwegian/English]
Offers a tutorial for creating puzzles, a Java-based solver, and links to other resources. [English/Japanese]
Article by David Smith covering the puzzle's origins as "Number Place" by Dell Puzzle Magazine in New York in the 1970s. (May 14, 2005)
Article by Paula Dear. Covers history in Japan and the UK and compares to the Rubik's cube craze of the 80s. (April 22, 2005)

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