Homebrewed worlds, settings, and world-specific house rules for Steve Jackson Games' GURPS.
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Roleplaying with the world and characters of Terry Pratchett.
Adventures and campaign settings for GURPS, including additional material for Transhuman Space.
Second World War roleplaying game by Gene Seabolt.
Game based on the Mike Mignola comics.
Steampunk and modern Greek mythology settings and some characters for Transhuman Space.
Roleplaying game set in a future of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology by David Pulver.
Game based on the Mike Mignola comics.
Roleplaying with the world and characters of Terry Pratchett.
Second World War roleplaying game by Gene Seabolt.
Steampunk and modern Greek mythology settings and some characters for Transhuman Space.
Adventures and campaign settings for GURPS, including additional material for Transhuman Space.
Roleplaying game set in a future of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology by David Pulver.

Last update:
September 30, 2014 at 6:15:03 UTC

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Arts: Literature: Authors: B: Byron, George Gordon: Works
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