Champions campaigns the way they were meant to be played -
sitting around a table, rolling huge handfuls of dice, pushing counters so many hexes of knockback.
This is the way most are played, though
the paper and pencil format means some scanning or
typing is required to transfer these pages to the Web.
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A group of Los Angeles paranormals discover that they can make a huge profit from their powers.
A far-future superhero setting. Contains game information, sourcebook details, and the campaign book.
Two Champions campaigns: UN PEACE, the UN's teenage superhero team and The Franklin Academy For Exceptional Youth / Force 10 / Team 2, a group of US superteens who may well be in over their heads. There are several small Web sites devoted to the two campaigns; this site ties them together. Modern day earth, with about 400 significant superbeings distributed evenly.
A far-future superhero setting. Contains game information, sourcebook details, and the campaign book.
Two Champions campaigns: UN PEACE, the UN's teenage superhero team and The Franklin Academy For Exceptional Youth / Force 10 / Team 2, a group of US superteens who may well be in over their heads. There are several small Web sites devoted to the two campaigns; this site ties them together. Modern day earth, with about 400 significant superbeings distributed evenly.
A group of Los Angeles paranormals discover that they can make a huge profit from their powers.

Last update:
May 7, 2018 at 8:24:06 UTC

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