Related categories 4
Sites 3
Official site of Nick Montfort. Includes downloads and web version.
"The end result works better from a purely literary standpoint than as interactive fiction--an experiment worth trying, perhaps, but not all that satisfying for the player." By Duncan Stevens.
(September 15, 2000)
"If it were a small, conventional game, I would recommend it."
(January 30, 2000)
Official site of Nick Montfort. Includes downloads and web version.
"The end result works better from a purely literary standpoint than as interactive fiction--an experiment worth trying, perhaps, but not all that satisfying for the player." By Duncan Stevens.
(September 15, 2000)
"If it were a small, conventional game, I would recommend it."
(January 30, 2000)
Last update:
February 9, 2014 at 21:05:06 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1