This category contains links to specific titles of games that run under the Linux or have been ported to Linux from another operating system.
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Abandoned Bricks is a Tetris-like cross-platform game. Beside the classic gameplay it offers music, sound effects and a duel mode.
Open source scrolling 2D arcade-style adventure game for Linux (and other platforms).
Polished turn based strategy game featuring fantasy characters and modular plots.
Frozen Bubble arcade game with colorful animated penguin eyecandy
A free, 2D, turn based strategy/artillery game.
Pingus is a free Lemmings-like game
A poker server and client. The client shows poker players in a 3D scene, animated according to the state of the game.
A multiplayer online adventures game developed using the Arianne game development system.
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run arcade sidescroller game. The Milestone1 release of SuperTux features 9 enemies, 26 playable levels.
VegaStrike is a 3D space simulator which allows you to trade and bounty hunt just as Prevateer or Elite.
A multiplayer online adventures game developed using the Arianne game development system.
A poker server and client. The client shows poker players in a 3D scene, animated according to the state of the game.
A free, 2D, turn based strategy/artillery game.
Open source scrolling 2D arcade-style adventure game for Linux (and other platforms).
Pingus is a free Lemmings-like game
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run arcade sidescroller game. The Milestone1 release of SuperTux features 9 enemies, 26 playable levels.
Abandoned Bricks is a Tetris-like cross-platform game. Beside the classic gameplay it offers music, sound effects and a duel mode.
Polished turn based strategy game featuring fantasy characters and modular plots.
Frozen Bubble arcade game with colorful animated penguin eyecandy
VegaStrike is a 3D space simulator which allows you to trade and bounty hunt just as Prevateer or Elite.
Last update:
March 17, 2022 at 5:25:29 UTC
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