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Chrono Trigger is a role-playing game for the Super Nintendo and Sony PlayStation, originally released in 1995. It is produced by Squaresoft. You are Crono, a young man in his golden years, long red hair, and a lethal sword to boot. After going to the millennium fair to celebrate the victory of humans over mages, you run into a young lady whom you offer to help out. After walking around with her for a while you meet up with a lady friend, and agree to test out her latest invention - A matter transporter. Inevitably the experiment goes wrong, ripping open an inter-dimensional portal that a friend of yours is sucked into. It's all up to you to save her...
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Game review, pictures, single/dual/triple techniques, fan fiction and links.
Reviews, screen shots and message board.
A petition to bring the PlayStation version to North America.
Lists Chrono Trigger story, character biographies, game help, music files, dual and triple technique details, quotes, screen shots and links.
Walkthrough, boss information, character profiles, cheats, Game Genie codes, screen shots and equipment lists.
Pictures, characters, and art.
Story, character profiles, walkthrough, equipment, items, and images.
Collection of walkthroughs and frequently asked questions, message board, and user submitted reviews.
Includes profile, gallery, media, in depth analysis of Schala's kingdom, connections and letter and miscellaneous related information.
Princess Schala shrine. Character information, FAQs, gallery, and links.
Story information, characters, secrets, pictures, game genie codes, and music.
Open content encyclopedia article with information on the game, its backstory and plot, gameplay, release information, development, and critical reception.
Collection of walkthroughs and frequently asked questions, message board, and user submitted reviews.
Open content encyclopedia article with information on the game, its backstory and plot, gameplay, release information, development, and critical reception.
Pictures, characters, and art.
Story, character profiles, walkthrough, equipment, items, and images.
A petition to bring the PlayStation version to North America.
Reviews, screen shots and message board.
Walkthrough, boss information, character profiles, cheats, Game Genie codes, screen shots and equipment lists.
Lists Chrono Trigger story, character biographies, game help, music files, dual and triple technique details, quotes, screen shots and links.
Game review, pictures, single/dual/triple techniques, fan fiction and links.
Includes profile, gallery, media, in depth analysis of Schala's kingdom, connections and letter and miscellaneous related information.
Story information, characters, secrets, pictures, game genie codes, and music.
Princess Schala shrine. Character information, FAQs, gallery, and links.
Last update:
February 4, 2022 at 20:46:01 UTC
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