Practitioners and teachers specializing in Reiki in Australia.
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Services include Reiki treatments, clairvoyance, numerology, and crystal healing. Located in Perth, Western Australia
Offers courses in Reiki throughout the Sydney metropolitan area.
Offers courses in several different types of Reiki and other energetic and psychic workings.
Doreen offers treatments and courses in Reiki, Seichim and other modalities. Features class descriptions, dates and pricing. Based in Mickleham, Melbourne.
Services include Reiki treatments, clairvoyance, numerology, and crystal healing. Located in Perth, Western Australia
Doreen offers treatments and courses in Reiki, Seichim and other modalities. Features class descriptions, dates and pricing. Based in Mickleham, Melbourne.
Offers courses in several different types of Reiki and other energetic and psychic workings.
Offers courses in Reiki throughout the Sydney metropolitan area.

Last update:
September 27, 2018 at 5:35:03 UTC

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