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Tributes in memory of the courageous children who have lost their battle with cancer.
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In memory of two year old Ashley who passed away from leukemia. Features a collection of poems and writings.
Story of little warrior Benjamin David Bowen and his fight against Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor. Features journal, news, cancer information, pictures, links, and a guest book. [November 14, 2002 - February 25, 2005]
In memory of Emerald Isle Maes who passed away from Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma at the age of ten. Includes a journal, pictures, and guestbook. [March 27, 1994 - March 12, 2005]
Memorial dedicated to Cheyenne who will forever be thirteen. Passed away 10/30/04 from Diffuse Pontine Glioma. Features a journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
In memory of four year old Emma Grace who danced through heaven's gate on June 06, 2005 from complications of stem cell transplant. Includes journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Memorial for forever 12 year old Melissa who passed away February 27, 2005 from Glioblastoma Multiforme. Includes journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Dedicated in loving memory of baby Noah Hezekiah Gallegos who passed away from Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor. Features family journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Memorial to baby Ruby Allen who passed away from a Rhabdoid Tumor after three months. Journal, picture, and guest book available. [November 21, 2004 - February 17, 2005]
Journal provides Ryan's story and fight against Infiltrating Pontine Glioma. Includes pictures and a guestbook. [June 29, 2000 - July 10, 2005 ]
Updated journal which remains a tribute to Spencer who passed away from a brain tumor called choroid plexus carcinoma. Includes photographs and a guestbook. [July 12, 1999 - July 07, 2005]
Inspirational poems dedicated in memory of little Mycha. Includes photographs.
In loving memory of young Melody Paige Schleigh who passed away from brainstem glioma. Features journal, pictures, guestbook, events, and special mentions.
Memorial page for seven-year-old Shelly Volk who died from a brainstem tumor. Includes tributes, pictures, letters, links, and a guestbook.
Journal and tribute to Travis who fought biphenotypic acute leukemia and passed away at the age of seventeen. Includes guestbook and pictures.
Memorial dedicated to Cheyenne who will forever be thirteen. Passed away 10/30/04 from Diffuse Pontine Glioma. Features a journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Memorial to baby Ruby Allen who passed away from a Rhabdoid Tumor after three months. Journal, picture, and guest book available. [November 21, 2004 - February 17, 2005]
Memorial for forever 12 year old Melissa who passed away February 27, 2005 from Glioblastoma Multiforme. Includes journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
In memory of Emerald Isle Maes who passed away from Anaplastic Oligoastrocytoma at the age of ten. Includes a journal, pictures, and guestbook. [March 27, 1994 - March 12, 2005]
In memory of four year old Emma Grace who danced through heaven's gate on June 06, 2005 from complications of stem cell transplant. Includes journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Dedicated in loving memory of baby Noah Hezekiah Gallegos who passed away from Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor. Features family journal, pictures, and a guestbook.
Updated journal which remains a tribute to Spencer who passed away from a brain tumor called choroid plexus carcinoma. Includes photographs and a guestbook. [July 12, 1999 - July 07, 2005]
Journal and tribute to Travis who fought biphenotypic acute leukemia and passed away at the age of seventeen. Includes guestbook and pictures.
Journal provides Ryan's story and fight against Infiltrating Pontine Glioma. Includes pictures and a guestbook. [June 29, 2000 - July 10, 2005 ]
In loving memory of young Melody Paige Schleigh who passed away from brainstem glioma. Features journal, pictures, guestbook, events, and special mentions.
Inspirational poems dedicated in memory of little Mycha. Includes photographs.
In memory of two year old Ashley who passed away from leukemia. Features a collection of poems and writings.
Memorial page for seven-year-old Shelly Volk who died from a brainstem tumor. Includes tributes, pictures, letters, links, and a guestbook.
Story of little warrior Benjamin David Bowen and his fight against Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor. Features journal, news, cancer information, pictures, links, and a guest book. [November 14, 2002 - February 25, 2005]
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