Blockage or narrowing of the arteries in the neck can cause patients to suffer a stroke which occurs when part of the brain gets inadequate blood flow and dies. Since it is very difficult to reverse the damage once it has occurred, successful management of this condition requires early recognition of the disease, often even before symptoms occur, and prompt, safe treatment.
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Cervical artery dissection is a significant cause of stroke in patients under 40 years of age. Explore the subject from symptoms to surgery. Differential diagnosis and recommend tests are included.
Hoping to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by changing the way stroke is viewed and treated, efforts are dedicated toward stroke through prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, research and support for stroke survivors and their families.
When to operate in carotid artery disease by Jose Biller, M.D. and William H. Thies, PH.D. American Academy of Family Physicians present the recent stroke trials in language we can all understand.
When to operate in carotid artery disease by Jose Biller, M.D. and William H. Thies, PH.D. American Academy of Family Physicians present the recent stroke trials in language we can all understand.
Cervical artery dissection is a significant cause of stroke in patients under 40 years of age. Explore the subject from symptoms to surgery. Differential diagnosis and recommend tests are included.
Hoping to reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by changing the way stroke is viewed and treated, efforts are dedicated toward stroke through prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, research and support for stroke survivors and their families.

Last update:
July 6, 2022 at 5:25:04 UTC

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