The opening of the urethra is in an abnormal location on the underside of the penis.
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Offers information about hypospadias.
A non-profit organization founded for the education and support of people with these conditions. Open to affected individuals, their family members, and health professionals
The BBC reports that scientists have identified a gene which may play a role in Hypospadias, a common defect affecting the genitalia of baby boys.
(November 29, 2010)
Offers information about hypospadias.
A non-profit organization founded for the education and support of people with these conditions. Open to affected individuals, their family members, and health professionals
The BBC reports that scientists have identified a gene which may play a role in Hypospadias, a common defect affecting the genitalia of baby boys.
(November 29, 2010)
Last update:
April 1, 2019 at 0:15:11 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon