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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions) over and over again. This usually results in the person experiencing anxiety.
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Not-for-profit organization of people with OCD and related disorders, their families, and mental health professionals. Provides support, assistance, and education to the public. Discussion of therapy and drug treatment options, effects in children, bulletin board.
A large, organized collection of annotated links to OCD-related web sites.
Information on OCD and its treatment.
Non profit organization that provides information and helpful resources for people seeking treatment and advice for dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Article, bibliography, and resources regarding the Obsessive-Comulsive Disorder.
British organization for individuals with OCD. Includes information on treatment, as well as links to various online resources.
A history of obsessive-compulsive disorder from earliest times to the present, along with excerpts from sources and an annotated bibliography.
British charity provides information on OCD and related conditions, as well on therapy and treatment resources. Also lists support groups throughout UK.
Not-for-profit organization of people with OCD and related disorders, their families, and mental health professionals. Provides support, assistance, and education to the public. Discussion of therapy and drug treatment options, effects in children, bulletin board.
Non profit organization that provides information and helpful resources for people seeking treatment and advice for dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Article, bibliography, and resources regarding the Obsessive-Comulsive Disorder.
A history of obsessive-compulsive disorder from earliest times to the present, along with excerpts from sources and an annotated bibliography.
Information on OCD and its treatment.
A large, organized collection of annotated links to OCD-related web sites.
British charity provides information on OCD and related conditions, as well on therapy and treatment resources. Also lists support groups throughout UK.
British organization for individuals with OCD. Includes information on treatment, as well as links to various online resources.

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Last update:
November 2, 2023 at 5:15:10 UTC
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