Factitious disorder is a formal (DSM-IV) mental health diagnosis in which people deliberately exaggerate, fabricate, or induce physical or psychological health problems in themselves in order to get attention for themselves or gain some other form of internal gratification. Munchausen Syndrome is sometimes described as one sub-type of factitious disorder; others say it is another name for this disorder.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (also addressed here) is a pattern of abusive behavior in which a caretaker deliberately exaggerates, fabricates, or induces physical and/or psychological health problems in another person. This pattern of behavior manifests as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or a combination. The primary purpose of this behavior is to gain some form of internal gratification (such as attention) for the perpetrator.
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Deals with factitious disorders, malingering, Munchausen by proxy, and related conditions.
Article by Todd S. Elwyn, MD, covers history, causes, symptoms and clues to recognition, prevalence, differential diagnosis, and treatment of this condition, which can be very challenging for busy physicians.
Abstract with case studies. Andrei Szoke, M.D.
Article about people who join health support groups, chats, and message boards and fake a serious illness. Includes tips on how to spot this type of deception.
Two physicians from the SIDS Network present descriptions of this disorder.
Small collection of annotated links to news articles and other resources.
Article about people who join health support groups, chats, and message boards and fake a serious illness. Includes tips on how to spot this type of deception.
Abstract with case studies. Andrei Szoke, M.D.
Article by Todd S. Elwyn, MD, covers history, causes, symptoms and clues to recognition, prevalence, differential diagnosis, and treatment of this condition, which can be very challenging for busy physicians.
Deals with factitious disorders, malingering, Munchausen by proxy, and related conditions.
Two physicians from the SIDS Network present descriptions of this disorder.
Small collection of annotated links to news articles and other resources.
Last update:
July 15, 2021 at 23:57:44 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon