A mental health disorder where there are clear and present physical symptoms that are suggestive of a somatic disorder, but where there is no detectable organic damage or neurophysiological dysfunction.
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Subcategories 5
Sites 4
Background information, pathophysiology, subclass list, and associated syndromes.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia offers a description of this disorder also known as hypochondriasis of medical students.
Examination of a new nomenclature which resembles epileptic seizures but which are in reality psychogenically induced.
Familydoctor.org offers an overview, describes causes, symptoms and possible treatments.
Familydoctor.org offers an overview, describes causes, symptoms and possible treatments.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia offers a description of this disorder also known as hypochondriasis of medical students.
Background information, pathophysiology, subclass list, and associated syndromes.
Examination of a new nomenclature which resembles epileptic seizures but which are in reality psychogenically induced.
Other languages 3
Last update:
November 2, 2023 at 5:25:09 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel