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This category contains information about Caesarean birth and Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). The websites here are designed to help pregnant mothers prepare for Caesarean or VBAC births, as well as to give them the information needed to make a decision between the two. These website may contain information for or against either type of childbirth and are in no way a personal reflection of the position of the dmoz open directory project.
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Consumer health resource center providing information on the risks and benefits of Cesarean delivery.
ICAN is a nonprofit organization that works to lower the rate of unnecessary cesareans, supports vaginal birth after cesarean VBAC), and encourages positive birthing through education and advocacy.
Personal story, information, FAQ and links prepared by an emergency room RN.
Record numbers of American mothers are opting to give birth through C-section, even when there is no clear medical need. The National Institutes of Health held a conference to determine the risks and benefits of a pre-planned Caesarean. [4:25 streaming audio broadcast] (March 30, 2006)
Consumer health resource center providing information on the risks and benefits of Cesarean delivery.
ICAN is a nonprofit organization that works to lower the rate of unnecessary cesareans, supports vaginal birth after cesarean VBAC), and encourages positive birthing through education and advocacy.
Personal story, information, FAQ and links prepared by an emergency room RN.
Record numbers of American mothers are opting to give birth through C-section, even when there is no clear medical need. The National Institutes of Health held a conference to determine the risks and benefits of a pre-planned Caesarean. [4:25 streaming audio broadcast] (March 30, 2006)

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September 4, 2021 at 5:15:09 UTC
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