This category presents personal pages for and about premature babies.
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Born 13 weeks prematurely weighing 2lbs 2oz. Regularly updated journal with pictures and video.
Twin boys born at 28 weeks.
Timothy, born 3 months prematurely with several problems including cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus.
Weblog introducing Zoe who was born 12 weeks early, with pictures and audio.
Born weighing 1lb 9oz Jordan spent 3 1/2 months in the NICU. Pictures, story and information on some of the problems he faced.
The story of a boy who suffered complications relating to intubation.
The account of Julian's birth at 30 weeks and pictures from his first two years.
Story and pictures of former 23 weeker, Kayleah Blake Fontenot, whose early birth was attributed to an incompetent cervix.
Journal and pictures following the twins from birth.
Detailed diary and pictures of Nathan's birth and first three years.
The story of Nicole Gregory, a premature baby who died from complications. Contains Nicole's journal and photographs.
Stories and pictures of the Rogodzinski twins, Jordan and Jeremy.
Nicholas' story of being born eight weeks premature. Includes NICU journal, photos and updates.
The story and photographs of an 11 week premature baby, his NICU journey and more recent updates.
Contains the journal of Daniel's time in NICU with pictures and updates.
Over ten years of stories, photographs and video of Thomas Clark King following his birth 15 weeks early.
Birth story and pictures from the first three years.
Born at 22 weeks weighing 1lb 4oz this is William's story and pictures.
Nicholas' story of being born eight weeks premature. Includes NICU journal, photos and updates.
Stories and pictures of the Rogodzinski twins, Jordan and Jeremy.
Contains the journal of Daniel's time in NICU with pictures and updates.
The account of Julian's birth at 30 weeks and pictures from his first two years.
Timothy, born 3 months prematurely with several problems including cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus.
Born weighing 1lb 9oz Jordan spent 3 1/2 months in the NICU. Pictures, story and information on some of the problems he faced.
Weblog introducing Zoe who was born 12 weeks early, with pictures and audio.
Detailed diary and pictures of Nathan's birth and first three years.
Twin boys born at 28 weeks.
The story of a boy who suffered complications relating to intubation.
The story of Nicole Gregory, a premature baby who died from complications. Contains Nicole's journal and photographs.
The story and photographs of an 11 week premature baby, his NICU journey and more recent updates.
Journal and pictures following the twins from birth.
Over ten years of stories, photographs and video of Thomas Clark King following his birth 15 weeks early.
Born 13 weeks prematurely weighing 2lbs 2oz. Regularly updated journal with pictures and video.
Birth story and pictures from the first three years.
Born at 22 weeks weighing 1lb 4oz this is William's story and pictures.
Story and pictures of former 23 weeker, Kayleah Blake Fontenot, whose early birth was attributed to an incompetent cervix.
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June 2, 2023 at 5:35:10 UTC

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