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[ Mature Teens ]
Preview, by Keza MacDonald: "Borderlands is not going to be the world's most intelligent game. Pandora is a rich world, the and what we saw of the story and characters was decent enough, but this is most definitely a game about Shooting Things as opposed to a sci-fi epic."
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Preview, screenshots, and movies.
[ Mature Teens ]
Videos, screenshots, news, feature list, and a message board.
[ Mature Teens ]
Videos, screenshots, news, feature list, and a message board.
[ Mature Teens ]
Preview, by Keza MacDonald: "Borderlands is not going to be the world's most intelligent game. Pandora is a rich world, the and what we saw of the story and characters was decent enough, but this is most definitely a game about Shooting Things as opposed to a sci-fi epic."
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Preview, screenshots, and movies.