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[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Review, by Nathan Meunier: "EA Phenomic has successfully pulled off a surprisingly natural convergence of two very different types of gameplay." [Rating: 4.3 out of 5]
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Previews, news, screenshots, and movies.
[ Mature Teens ] Videos, screenshots, review, preview, news, blogs, and a message board.
[ Mature Teens ] Review, by Dan Whitehead: "Any card game brings with it a certain investment requirement; investment in the time to master the intricacies of the perfect deck, and an ongoing financial investment in the cards to build it. Battleforge is a commendable attempt to find common ground between that mindset and the twin lures of RTS and MMO play, but it can't quite pull them together strongly enough to justify that same level of dedication." [Rating: 6 out of 10] (March 30, 2009)
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Previews, news, screenshots, and movies.
[ Mature Teens ] Videos, screenshots, review, preview, news, blogs, and a message board.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Review, by Nathan Meunier: "EA Phenomic has successfully pulled off a surprisingly natural convergence of two very different types of gameplay." [Rating: 4.3 out of 5]
[ Mature Teens ] Review, by Dan Whitehead: "Any card game brings with it a certain investment requirement; investment in the time to master the intricacies of the perfect deck, and an ongoing financial investment in the cards to build it. Battleforge is a commendable attempt to find common ground between that mindset and the twin lures of RTS and MMO play, but it can't quite pull them together strongly enough to justify that same level of dedication." [Rating: 6 out of 10] (March 30, 2009)
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February 9, 2014 at 6:15:09 UTC
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