This category lists pages and sites about the British painter, Joseph
Mallord William Turner (1775-1851). He is thought to be
one of the finest landscape and marine painter ever. Turner produced about
550 oil paintings, over 2,000 highly detailed watercolors, and some 30,000
works on paper.
All sites listed here are suitable for children and teens to read and use for enjoyment and/or for schoolwork.
More information
Related categories 1
Sites 4
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
The curator who designed his own gallery to display and promote his paintings
[ Kids/Teens ]
Presents a brief biography of the English Romantic period artist. Includes gallery of his paintings with descriptions.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Fact Monster encyclopedia article provides a brief biography about the English landscape painter.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Features brief story of the life of this British landscape artist. Includes images.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
The curator who designed his own gallery to display and promote his paintings
[ Kids/Teens ]
Presents a brief biography of the English Romantic period artist. Includes gallery of his paintings with descriptions.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Features brief story of the life of this British landscape artist. Includes images.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Fact Monster encyclopedia article provides a brief biography about the English landscape painter.