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This category lists sites and pages about Edward I (1239–1307) known as Longshanks, who reigned from 1272–1307 as King of England.

All sites listed here are suitable for children and teens to read and use for enjoyment and/or for schoolwork.

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[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Biography of the king best known for his campaigns to subdue Wales and Scotland. Edward I's work with English common law earned him the name of the 'English Justinian'.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] A profile of King Edward I.
[ Kids ] Biography for the king of England (1272–1307), son of and successor to Henry III.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Short biography focusing on Edward's Welsh campaigns, with links to additional information.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] A profile of King Edward I.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Biography of the king best known for his campaigns to subdue Wales and Scotland. Edward I's work with English common law earned him the name of the 'English Justinian'.
[ Kids ] Biography for the king of England (1272–1307), son of and successor to Henry III.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Short biography focusing on Edward's Welsh campaigns, with links to additional information.
Last update:
August 16, 2020 at 19:30:12 UTC
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