This category lists pages and sites about the English explorer Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) who sailed all the way around the world.
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Sites 3
[ Kids ]
Includes reports two fourth-graders wrote about Drake's life, paintings, drawings, and a map of his journey around the world.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Francis Pretty, one of the men who sailed with Drake, writes of their voyage around the world.
[ Kids/Teens ]
National Maritime Museum fact file answers common questions about Drake's life.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Francis Pretty, one of the men who sailed with Drake, writes of their voyage around the world.
[ Kids/Teens ]
National Maritime Museum fact file answers common questions about Drake's life.
[ Kids ]
Includes reports two fourth-graders wrote about Drake's life, paintings, drawings, and a map of his journey around the world.