This category contains sites which provide information, tips, guides, and activities to help kids and teens improve writing skills.
Topics include essays and reports, poetry, punctuation, spelling, and handwriting.
More information
Subcategories 14
Related categories 2
Sites 16
[ Kids/Teens ]
Tips for each of the five stages of the writing process.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Provides tips, tools, and resources to help improve writing skills. Includes why it's important to write well, the parts of speech, types of sentences, punctuation, spelling, and a downloadable file.
[ Teens ]
Offers quick tips on how to write essays, book reports, biographies, research papers, term papers, bibliographies, letters, speeches and more.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn more about pursuing fiction as a career, with insights on the publishing industry, making a living as a professional author, and the craft of writing books, stories, and screenplays.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Basic information, writing prompts, and examples.
[ Teens ]
Runs interactive literature workshops for students (PP – Year 12), teachers and emerging authors and illustrators. Each term the Centre has four full exhibitions of Australian Picture Books.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes reference, verse, fiction and non-fiction books. Search by author, title or subject.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Authoritative text on grammar, syntax, punctuation, writing techniques, and style.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes hints, tips and ideas.
[ Mature Teens ]
A catalog of literary terms with detailed definition and examples. Great resources for English students to do literary analysis and writing.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Resource for learning about and writing in these genres.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Step-by-step directions for organizing and writing a good paragraph.
[ Kids/Teens ]
An online writing tutorial; takes students through the actual steps of writing a paragraph online.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Use nonfiction science to create a science fiction story.
[ Mature Teens ]
Pictures, stories, poetry, and a chatroom intended to provide motivation for writing.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Offers resources for students and teachers to improve their English reading, comprehension, and writing skills.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn more about pursuing fiction as a career, with insights on the publishing industry, making a living as a professional author, and the craft of writing books, stories, and screenplays.
[ Teens ]
Runs interactive literature workshops for students (PP – Year 12), teachers and emerging authors and illustrators. Each term the Centre has four full exhibitions of Australian Picture Books.
[ Teens ]
Offers quick tips on how to write essays, book reports, biographies, research papers, term papers, bibliographies, letters, speeches and more.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Authoritative text on grammar, syntax, punctuation, writing techniques, and style.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes reference, verse, fiction and non-fiction books. Search by author, title or subject.
[ Mature Teens ]
A catalog of literary terms with detailed definition and examples. Great resources for English students to do literary analysis and writing.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Basic information, writing prompts, and examples.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Provides tips, tools, and resources to help improve writing skills. Includes why it's important to write well, the parts of speech, types of sentences, punctuation, spelling, and a downloadable file.
[ Kids/Teens ]
An online writing tutorial; takes students through the actual steps of writing a paragraph online.
[ Mature Teens ]
Pictures, stories, poetry, and a chatroom intended to provide motivation for writing.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Use nonfiction science to create a science fiction story.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Resource for learning about and writing in these genres.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Tips for each of the five stages of the writing process.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Offers resources for students and teachers to improve their English reading, comprehension, and writing skills.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Includes hints, tips and ideas.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Step-by-step directions for organizing and writing a good paragraph.