Plovers (family Charadriidae) live all over the world, from arctic tundra to tropical sandbars. There are 66 different species in this family of birds. Some look alike; others are very different.
Because people like to live and play where the plovers live and play, many species are becoming threatened or endangered.
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Sites 5
[ Kids/Teens ]
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds shows what they look like, where they live, and what they eat. Hear their call and watch a video. [Video requires free QuickTime download.]
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
See what this small wading bird looks like, where in New Zealand they are found, why they are endangered and what is being done to help.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn how these birds can hide in the sand, all the places that they live, and why there aren't as many around. Listen to a recording of their call.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Find out where this endangered bird builds its nest, who sits on the eggs, what threatens their life, and why everyone should care.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn about these endangered birds, why it is important to save them, and how to help protect their nesting places.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
See what this small wading bird looks like, where in New Zealand they are found, why they are endangered and what is being done to help.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds shows what they look like, where they live, and what they eat. Hear their call and watch a video. [Video requires free QuickTime download.]
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn how these birds can hide in the sand, all the places that they live, and why there aren't as many around. Listen to a recording of their call.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Find out where this endangered bird builds its nest, who sits on the eggs, what threatens their life, and why everyone should care.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ]
Learn about these endangered birds, why it is important to save them, and how to help protect their nesting places.
Last update:
April 7, 2022 at 5:35:14 UTC
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Kids and Teens: Your Family: Young Caregivers
- Recently edited by emiliocz
- Recently edited by emiliocz