This category is for sites that provide information, advice, and support for kids or teenagers whose families have been affected by divorce.
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[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Article discussing divorce and separation of parents and how to deal with it.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Gives advice on dealing with parents' divorce. Offers advice for teens whose parents are divorcing, divorced, or dysfunctional, and for friends and parents.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Gives advice for kids for coping with divorce and sad feelings, school counselors, stress, and a therapist.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Flash animated guides to divorce, one for children aged 5-12, and a second for preteens and teenagers, from the Government of British Columbia, Canada.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Article by a teenager describing his difficulty as the child of divorced parents with joint custody.
(February 15, 1999)
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Gives advice on dealing with parents' divorce. Offers advice for teens whose parents are divorcing, divorced, or dysfunctional, and for friends and parents.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Gives advice for kids for coping with divorce and sad feelings, school counselors, stress, and a therapist.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Article discussing divorce and separation of parents and how to deal with it.
[ Kids/Teens ]
Flash animated guides to divorce, one for children aged 5-12, and a second for preteens and teenagers, from the Government of British Columbia, Canada.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ]
Article by a teenager describing his difficulty as the child of divorced parents with joint custody.
(February 15, 1999)