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News Journalism Issues First Amendment
"First Amendment" refers to the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
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Simple, step-by-step guide published by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The American Library Association identifies First Amendment advocates and provides links to notable court cases.
Provides research, advocacy, resources and training on critical issues related to free speech and freedom of information.
A report by the House Government Reform Committee, H.Rep. 108-172, June 23, 2002
Site sponsored by the Illinois Press Association includes news and court decisions on First Amendment issues and educational information on rights.
Explains how the FOIA applies to the US Dept. of Justice and how information may be obtained.
Explains the document search process and provides an online reading room for frequently requested files.
Essay by James C. Goodale on court cases in which First Amendment rights have been upheld, allowing the press to pursue its mission. Goodale served as general counsel to The New York Times when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the Times could continue to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers.
Non-profit organization which seeks to provide authoritative information, expertise, and assistance to the public and news media. Site provides directory of services and membership information.
Consultants who assist in crafting and executing freedom of information requests.
A forum for First Amendment study, exploration and education. Washington, DC. [PDF]
Offers one-stop access to information about the First Amendment. Useful for students, teachers, journalists, lawyers and the general public.
Issues, laws, links, and other resources to help journalists get information from state and national governments.
The full text of the Freedom of Information Act in a form showing all amendments to the statute made by the "Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996."
US Health and Human Services site to facilitate efforts to obtain public information about HHS programs. How to request information, and a reading room of frequently requested documents.
Includes annotated bibliography of legal cases, scholarly papers, and articles concerning First Amendment and intellectual property Internet law issues. The 200 court cases are explained succinctly. Also includes many citations from the print media.
A nonpartisan alliance of citizen-driven, nonprofit, freedom of information organizations working to protect the public's right to oversee its government.
Do-it-yourselfers guide to how to use the Act as an effective investigative tool and provides sample letters, forms and directories to assist individuals in dealing with the government promptly and effectively.
Information on the application of the First Amendment to such issues as access to the courts, gag orders, access to places, freedom of information and libel. Published by the Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Consultants who assist in crafting and executing freedom of information requests.
A forum for First Amendment study, exploration and education. Washington, DC. [PDF]
Provides research, advocacy, resources and training on critical issues related to free speech and freedom of information.
Offers one-stop access to information about the First Amendment. Useful for students, teachers, journalists, lawyers and the general public.
Information on the application of the First Amendment to such issues as access to the courts, gag orders, access to places, freedom of information and libel. Published by the Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Do-it-yourselfers guide to how to use the Act as an effective investigative tool and provides sample letters, forms and directories to assist individuals in dealing with the government promptly and effectively.
A nonpartisan alliance of citizen-driven, nonprofit, freedom of information organizations working to protect the public's right to oversee its government.
Simple, step-by-step guide published by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The American Library Association identifies First Amendment advocates and provides links to notable court cases.
Site sponsored by the Illinois Press Association includes news and court decisions on First Amendment issues and educational information on rights.
The full text of the Freedom of Information Act in a form showing all amendments to the statute made by the "Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996."
Explains the document search process and provides an online reading room for frequently requested files.
Explains how the FOIA applies to the US Dept. of Justice and how information may be obtained.
Essay by James C. Goodale on court cases in which First Amendment rights have been upheld, allowing the press to pursue its mission. Goodale served as general counsel to The New York Times when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the Times could continue to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers.
Issues, laws, links, and other resources to help journalists get information from state and national governments.
Includes annotated bibliography of legal cases, scholarly papers, and articles concerning First Amendment and intellectual property Internet law issues. The 200 court cases are explained succinctly. Also includes many citations from the print media.
US Health and Human Services site to facilitate efforts to obtain public information about HHS programs. How to request information, and a reading room of frequently requested documents.
Non-profit organization which seeks to provide authoritative information, expertise, and assistance to the public and news media. Site provides directory of services and membership information.
A report by the House Government Reform Committee, H.Rep. 108-172, June 23, 2002
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