The current incarnation of the Corvette is the C5 or 'fifth generation' Corvette.
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More information
Sites 6
The Flynn family's 2000 light pewter metallic Corvette coupe. Pictures and links included in site.
Pictures, events and membership information relating to the C5 Corvette.
Performance modifications to a C5 FRC.
Pewter Corvette Coupe delivered in January of 2000. Pictures, links, and general Chevrolet Corvette information.
Pictures of the 2001 Corvette and some personalized plates.
Personal site from a corvette owner with photographs of his car.
Performance modifications to a C5 FRC.
Pictures, events and membership information relating to the C5 Corvette.
Pewter Corvette Coupe delivered in January of 2000. Pictures, links, and general Chevrolet Corvette information.
Personal site from a corvette owner with photographs of his car.
Pictures of the 2001 Corvette and some personalized plates.
The Flynn family's 2000 light pewter metallic Corvette coupe. Pictures and links included in site.
Last update:
January 14, 2023 at 7:25:05 UTC
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