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Oldsmobile, a division of General Motors, currently manufactures models such as the Alero, Aurora, Bravada, Eighty Eight, Cutlass, Intrigue and Silhouette. Oldsmobile is America's oldest car company, having celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1997.
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Subcategories 14

Facts, figures, information about the 1969 Oldsmobiles.
Pictures, and a chart with factory specifications.
Dedicated to the 442 with pictures and a link to the G-Body mailing list.
A site that includes a discussion forum, photo album, live chat for Oldsmobile owners and enthusiasts.
Provide information and resources for the Oldsmobile G-Body community. Established in 1998, they provide these services free of charge in the hopes of preserving this segment of the hobby.
Dedicated to the enjoyment and restoration of all Oldsmobiles. Focused mainly on the 64-77 models, but all are welcome.
History of the marque with pictures of various models, vintage ads, and a registry for Oldsmobile owners.
A message board and live chat that is dedicated to everything that is powered by Oldsmobile.
Report on the end of the Olds make. [CNN/Money] (April 29, 2004)
A site that includes a discussion forum, photo album, live chat for Oldsmobile owners and enthusiasts.
Provide information and resources for the Oldsmobile G-Body community. Established in 1998, they provide these services free of charge in the hopes of preserving this segment of the hobby.
Pictures, and a chart with factory specifications.
A message board and live chat that is dedicated to everything that is powered by Oldsmobile.
History of the marque with pictures of various models, vintage ads, and a registry for Oldsmobile owners.
Facts, figures, information about the 1969 Oldsmobiles.
Dedicated to the enjoyment and restoration of all Oldsmobiles. Focused mainly on the 64-77 models, but all are welcome.
Dedicated to the 442 with pictures and a link to the G-Body mailing list.
Report on the end of the Olds make. [CNN/Money] (April 29, 2004)

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