Sites in this category cover costumes from the Renaissance, approximately 1400-1600, in Europe and near areas. This era also includes Elizabethan, and some Shakespearean clothing. Major clothing influences came from the countries of Spain and Italy.
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Information, accessories, patterns, resource listings, retailers, and links.
Clothing information and images of 16th century middle class men and women.
Instructions for making Elizabethan costume, costume gallery, and interactive costume design tool (ye old dial-a-dress).
Historical costume research and dress diaries for 16th-century and SCA costumes, along with other eras.
Historical costume research and dress diaries for 16th-century and SCA costumes, along with other eras.
Instructions for making Elizabethan costume, costume gallery, and interactive costume design tool (ye old dial-a-dress).
Information, accessories, patterns, resource listings, retailers, and links.
Clothing information and images of 16th century middle class men and women.

Last update:
July 30, 2024 at 14:33:48 UTC

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Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Authors: Non-fiction: Berton, Pierre
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1