Cat Shows are normally judged in one of three ways. In the U.S.A. the owner carries their cat to the judging ring and places her in a judging cage - chairs are provided within the ring and the owner is able to watch their cat being judged. Outside of the U.S.A. one of two methods is used. One is to have the appointed steward bring one cat at a time to the judge who is seated behind a table. The judge then examines and evaluates the cat and writes up their comments on a pre-printed form. The steward then return the cat to its owner. The second method is to provide the judge with a waist high rolling table - the steward then gets each cat in turn out of its pen to be judged and writes up the judges comments on a pre-printed form. The table is moved from one pen to another until all cats have been judged. In this method the exhibitors are excluded from the hall during the initial judging process.
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Sites 7
Circus and rock band cat show. Also a cat rescue. Samantha Martin, from Griffin, GA, US.
The Internet forum for the cat fancy since 1993. Articles and links on cat breeds, cat shows, cat care, animal welfare, and veterinary medicine.
A guide to what you need to know, bring and do to enjoy showing your cat.
Listing of forth-coming TICA Shows.
Show flyers presented for CFA cat shows in the Midwest Region of Canada. Provides information on Show Breeders and photographs.
Information on U.S. cat shows for each breed, online registration, catalogue of cat supplies and directory of breeders worldwide. Links to many related commercial sites.
UK organisation for cat owners interested in showing their pedigree or non-pedigree cats. Lists IFA 2002 show dates.
Circus and rock band cat show. Also a cat rescue. Samantha Martin, from Griffin, GA, US.
UK organisation for cat owners interested in showing their pedigree or non-pedigree cats. Lists IFA 2002 show dates.
Information on U.S. cat shows for each breed, online registration, catalogue of cat supplies and directory of breeders worldwide. Links to many related commercial sites.
Listing of forth-coming TICA Shows.
Show flyers presented for CFA cat shows in the Midwest Region of Canada. Provides information on Show Breeders and photographs.
The Internet forum for the cat fancy since 1993. Articles and links on cat breeds, cat shows, cat care, animal welfare, and veterinary medicine.
A guide to what you need to know, bring and do to enjoy showing your cat.
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February 12, 2022 at 2:53:51 UTC

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