The Bullmastiff, originally called the "Gamekeepers Night Dog," was developed in the late 1800's in England to assist gamekeepers patrolling large landholdings. The breed is a cross between the English Bulldog and the English Mastiff. Today the Bullmastiff is a family guardian, watchdog, and Search and Rescue dog.
The Bullmastiff is an active, loyal, fearless, and powerful dog with a short, stiff coat. Standing 24-27" tall, it weighs 90-130 pounds.
Official recognition: FCI Group 2, AKC Group 3 - Working Dogs, CKC Group 3 - Working Dogs, KC Non-Sporting - Working Group, ANKC Group 6 - Utility.
Subcategories 4
Sites 3
Official description of the breed as provided by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Show results and photographs.
Questions to ask breeders, how to adopt a Bullmastiff, owner responsibilities, message board, and a referral list.
Official description of the breed as provided by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Questions to ask breeders, how to adopt a Bullmastiff, owner responsibilities, message board, and a referral list.
Show results and photographs.
Other languages 9

Last update:
April 13, 2023 at 5:25:14 UTC

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