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Submissions are for Yorkshire Terrier breeders and hobbyist content.
More information
Breeder and exhibitor. Pictures, grooming, diet recipes, and show results. Michigan.
Breeder and exhibitor has pictures of past and present show dogs, kennel history, memorial pages, and a photographic record of puppy growth. California.
Provides photographs and details of past and present show dogs, general breed information, articles, and memorial pages. Kansas City, Missouri.
Breeder in Italy provides pedigrees, show results and photographs, as well as judging background, kennel history, and litter details.
Breeder has pictures, pedigrees, breed history and standard. Virginia.
News and pictures from dog shows and home. Slovakia.
Featuring details of shows, fashion items, photos, and breeder philosophy. Beverly Hills, California.
Featuring picture galleries of adults and puppies, with memorial pages, show results, and dog poetry. Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada.
Breeder with photos, health articles, video and treat recipes. Bullhead City, Arizona.
Site has pictures and about the breeder. Vancouver Island, Canada.
Contains kennel history, news, photos, pedigrees and videos. Italy. [Flash required]
Breeder has photos, pedigrees, and links. Naaldwijk, Netherlands.
Includes pictures, show results and litter announcements. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Breeder has pictures. Located in Ca.
Contains photos and show results. Hungary.
Breeder and exhibitor with pictures, pedigrees and show results. Texas.
Breeder has pictures. Located in Ca.
Breeder has pictures, pedigrees, breed history and standard. Virginia.
Breeder and exhibitor. Pictures, grooming, diet recipes, and show results. Michigan.
Site has pictures and about the breeder. Vancouver Island, Canada.
Contains photos and show results. Hungary.
Contains kennel history, news, photos, pedigrees and videos. Italy. [Flash required]
Breeder and exhibitor with pictures, pedigrees and show results. Texas.
Breeder with photos, health articles, video and treat recipes. Bullhead City, Arizona.
Includes pictures, show results and litter announcements. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Breeder has photos, pedigrees, and links. Naaldwijk, Netherlands.
Featuring picture galleries of adults and puppies, with memorial pages, show results, and dog poetry. Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada.
News and pictures from dog shows and home. Slovakia.
Provides photographs and details of past and present show dogs, general breed information, articles, and memorial pages. Kansas City, Missouri.
Breeder and exhibitor has pictures of past and present show dogs, kennel history, memorial pages, and a photographic record of puppy growth. California.
Featuring details of shows, fashion items, photos, and breeder philosophy. Beverly Hills, California.
Breeder in Italy provides pedigrees, show results and photographs, as well as judging background, kennel history, and litter details.

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April 22, 2022 at 16:05:16 UTC
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