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Information and advice about the breed in the United Kingdom. Articles, photograph gallery, a telephone helpline for dogs in need, and rehoming services.
Offers breed standards, event schedules, regulations, news, and links to regional clubs.
Includes photos, event details, directory of breeders, reading list, show results, and information about membership and rescues.
Features photos, breed education, rescue services, membership information, and event news.
East coast Regional BMD club serving Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine. Club contacts and a resource guide for puppy buyers.
Offers event schedules, officer and committee member contacts, and news.
Providing education about the breed, the club, events, and how to find a puppy.
Offers breeder referrals, breed standards, event schedules, and adoption information.
Contains a photo gallery, breed information, list of activities, membership details, and links.
Website offers club events information, puppy buying tips, and health and management information for Bernese.
Club contact information including membership requirements, list of upcoming events, breed education, and referral services.
Code of ethics, membership application, rescue information, breed description, health articles, and information on their shows.
Club objectives, calendar of events, message board, photos and breed information.
Official breed club. Contains breed information, list of Finnish breeders, show results, photos, and links. [Finnish and English]
Information and advice about the breed in the United Kingdom. Articles, photograph gallery, a telephone helpline for dogs in need, and rehoming services.
Providing education about the breed, the club, events, and how to find a puppy.
Contains a photo gallery, breed information, list of activities, membership details, and links.
Club contact information including membership requirements, list of upcoming events, breed education, and referral services.
Features photos, breed education, rescue services, membership information, and event news.
Includes photos, event details, directory of breeders, reading list, show results, and information about membership and rescues.
East coast Regional BMD club serving Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine. Club contacts and a resource guide for puppy buyers.
Code of ethics, membership application, rescue information, breed description, health articles, and information on their shows.
Club objectives, calendar of events, message board, photos and breed information.
Offers breed standards, event schedules, regulations, news, and links to regional clubs.
Official breed club. Contains breed information, list of Finnish breeders, show results, photos, and links. [Finnish and English]
Offers breeder referrals, breed standards, event schedules, and adoption information.
Offers event schedules, officer and committee member contacts, and news.
Website offers club events information, puppy buying tips, and health and management information for Bernese.

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Last update:
May 28, 2022 at 2:45:03 UTC
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