This category contains sites pertaining to the keeping of the Rosy Boa (Lichanura Trivirgata) as a pet.
This includes care sheets, advice, photos and anecdotes from Rosy Boa owners, and other information of use to people who own, or want to own, a Rosy Boa.
Sites pertaining to other species of boids (Pythons and Boas) should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes: Boas and Pythons.
Sites pertaining to non-boids should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes.
Sales pages (as opposed to care and breed information pages) belonging to breeders should be placed under Recreation: Pets: Herp: Breeders and Dealers.
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May 11, 2013 at 13:24:09 UTC
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- Recently edited by mcoupal
- Recently edited by mcoupal