My Account
Sites listed in this category will be club and personal pages pertaining primarily to fast-scan amateur television (ATV).
More information
Amateur television information for several states in the United States. Lists nets, repeater maps and provides an application form.
Meeting dates, repeater frequencies, technical data summary, and transmitter information. Columbus, Ohio.
ATV stations portal features film archive, and list of repeaters.
Andre Ducros explains ATV repeaters and methods to be active in ATV from 438 MHz to 10 GHz, and provides data sheets on amateur television and short wave antennas. France. [English/French]
Weather ATV repeater project with pictures, schematic block diagrams, and parts supplier listings by Bill Bennett of South Carolina, United States.
Society of Ether Explorers includes reception and ATV repeater information. San Francisco, California, United States.
Netherlands-based amateur Frits presents station information, ATV projects, photos and links.
Slovenian ATV, repeaters, beacons, hardware and software, broadcast, and packet radio by Mijo Kovacevic.
North Carolina club supporting amateur TV in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. Contains information on the repeater, meetings, and articles [.PDF format].
New Zealand-based resource for ATV information, including technical data, projects, and history.
Slovenian ATV, repeaters, beacons, hardware and software, broadcast, and packet radio by Mijo Kovacevic.
ATV stations portal features film archive, and list of repeaters.
Meeting dates, repeater frequencies, technical data summary, and transmitter information. Columbus, Ohio.
Andre Ducros explains ATV repeaters and methods to be active in ATV from 438 MHz to 10 GHz, and provides data sheets on amateur television and short wave antennas. France. [English/French]
Netherlands-based amateur Frits presents station information, ATV projects, photos and links.
Weather ATV repeater project with pictures, schematic block diagrams, and parts supplier listings by Bill Bennett of South Carolina, United States.
North Carolina club supporting amateur TV in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. Contains information on the repeater, meetings, and articles [.PDF format].
Society of Ether Explorers includes reception and ATV repeater information. San Francisco, California, United States.
Amateur television information for several states in the United States. Lists nets, repeater maps and provides an application form.
New Zealand-based resource for ATV information, including technical data, projects, and history.

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Last update:
April 18, 2012 at 2:24:50 UTC
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